Great menu for cold day. Warm Kitsune Udon with vegetables, home made eggrolls apple and edamame."Itadaki masu" to our kitchen staff.
I do not want to see people talking bad about or talking down about other people whether it is something between the nations or even sports teams. It is totally unnecessary and make people really look small. If you have nothing good to say about someone, it better say nothing at all. I really believe that.
PSPINC's websites using SMS (text message) verification to register new accounts are currently back online using the SMS verification service. Sites restored to full service include NewsMAIL, Photo Stork,and Bloguru If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you for your patience. Bloguru Support
PSPINC's websites that utilize SMS (text message) verification to register new accounts are currently unable to register users using the SMS verification service. Our developers are looking into the issue and it should be resolved sometime Thursday. We will update again when the service issue is resolved. Sites affected inc...
Nagatomo-sensei "Art class" will be starting at Bellevue Megumi for 4 years old and up every Saturday. First class will be 11th of January, 2014. As many of you know, Nagatomo-sensei is ARTIST!!!! I hope everyone had chance to see her work before. This class is running by Nagatomo-sensei. Megumi is letting her use ...
Congratulations to Kris McKelvey of WCI . He finished his Fast Track and received his membership plaque at our November 20 luncheon. His mentor was George Vestal of McDonald Employment Services and he was sponsored by Kelly Cudworth of NuLeaf Office Solutions. Kris is your contact for Voice and Data Services. Get...
Seattle Executives Association Board of Directors Election was held on November 20. The new Officer's term will begin January 1, 2014. President Bruce Johnson of Rowland Studio 1st Vice President Tracy Johnson of Brown & Brown of WA 2nd Vice President Kevin Mashek of KING TV/ KONG TV/ NWCN/ BELO Treasu...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! We have updated Bloguru with the following fixes: -Fix for broken images on posts when you change the post year. -Text now should wrap in comments. -Some HTML is now allowed in comments. -Bloguru Support Team
We have updated Clocklink to show a banner for our upcoming Thanksgiving Weekend Deals promotion. Please check our website during Thanksgiving weekend for some great offers. Thank you for using Clocklink.com!
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! We have updated Bloguru with the following fixes: - The footer on the admin pages has been reformatted - For extra security, HTML is now disabled on comments. - When replying to comments, the page should automatically scroll down to the comment form. - Fixed a bug with inputting certain chara...