We are closing QR Code related Blog and Twitter account. We started this when people did not know about QR Code. Now QR is popular and there is no reason for us to continue to talk about QR Code. Thank you for your support. http://en.bloguru.com/QR/ The term "QR Code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE I...
Did you know that PSP Children's Foundation now accepts donations on the PSP Children's Foundation website? You can find the donation button on the right side of all pages. Donations made through the site are processed by PayPal and will aid us in continuing to be a source of hope for child survivors of disaster. We're a...
This month’s “Megumi’s Garden Lunch” menu was “Chikuwa mixed yakisoba.” The main ingredient of chikuwa is white fish. It is very popular food in Japan...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! Our new skin this month is a classy and simple design in the "Wide" category. We named this skin "PSPINC" because the design follows the current design of our http://www.pspinc.com site. We have also released some lesser design fixes across various skins as well as a fix relating to posting in ...
Janet Pluntze of Payroll Solutions spoke about her nationwide payroll processing company. Payroll Solutions serves clients that have 1 - 1,000+ employees and quickly can answer your payroll questions in just minutes.
Zo (Pre-K) and Kujira (K) students from Megumi Preschool joined the mini concert by Japanese rock singer and song writer Shinji Harada during Aki Mats...
Keith Anderson of Classic Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning gave his Classification Talk on 9/11. Luckily, he spared the Execs lunch crowd from 33 years worth of photos of dirty water in toilet bowls :) Instead he spoke passionately about the importance of customer trust and referrals in his work.
Today we updated the current time for Chile, as well as it's Daylight Savings Time rules to keep it current. Also, we know that MM/DD/YYYY is not standard for many of you, so we've added a reminder on our Count Down and Count Up clocks: http://clocklink.com/gallery.php?category=COUNT Lastly please check out our n...
PSP Children's Foundation now accepts donations on the PSPCF website. Donations made through the site will be processed by PayPal and will aid us in continuing to be a source of hope for child surviviors of disaster. We're already looking to begin work on the 2014 Summer Experience and appreciate any amount you ma...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! We are pleased to announce that we have made the following Bloguru updates: We have added a new skin to the 'Wide' category titled 'Kickoff' Bug fixes made for comment editing section Completed miscellaneous bug fixes for existing skin Thank you for helping us build a better Bloguru! - Bloguru...