Hello Bloguru Bloggers! Today, we added a global blog post search to the header menu on Bloguru home. Search box will pop up by clicking the "Search" menu. You can search blog articles posted by all Bloggers that was written in the past year. * The search form on each individual blog will search the articles only in t...
We are having Halloween party every year. The children and teachers are having such as fun time.
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! Today, we moved the blog post search from the right side column to the header menu for all Bloguru themes. Search box will pop up by clicking the "Search" icon, which is located on the header menu. Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better! The Bloguru Support Team
Don't worry, your accounts are safe. We are continuing to deal with a notification issue with our system. Today a series of emails with the subject "Bloguru Account Notification" were mistakenly sent to Bloguru users. Your accounts are safe! This email was sent unintentionally: ------------------------------------------...
This is a reminder that Google Chrome has changed the way they will handle any Flash media content. With the version of Google Chrome released on September 1, 2015 and all versions going forward, a play/pause button will now overlay the Flash content. To see the content function, users will be required to click on it. Th...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! We have released a new responsive theme today, called Mechanical, for use on your blog. You can find Mechanical under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only work with modern browsers that support HTML5 and CSS3. Thank you for hel...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! Today, we have updated the menu style for all Bloguru themes. Menu style for all Bloguru themes is consistent. Thank you for helping us make Bloguru better! The Bloguru Support Team
Yesterday, Bloguru system sent out inactive account notices to some of the active users. We are looking into what caused this problem. We make sure people who as posted blog in last 12 months are not subject to deletion. Thank you. http://www.bloguru.com
At our October 14 luncheon, SEA welcomed José Gaitàn as a speaker. He spoke about the "Power of Pebbles". As we heard, José had a upbringing that was ...
Our own Bruce Johnson of Rowland Studio photographed US Attorney General Loretta Lynch during her recent visit in September. An Exec hobnobbing with the highest level government official!