Today was the last meeting which Mayumi Nakamura, President of PSPINC, run the meeting. She is the president of Seattle Executives Association since July 1 to the end of the year. Tomorrow, she will be hoisting the last board of director meeting at PSPINC in Bellevue.
When you setup iPad Pro like this ... I don't think we need to carry note book PC (or MacBook Air) any more. It is a quite good setup with very useable keyboard. As for a Pencil ... I don't know if you need it. I will use it to test all PSPINC services.
This is how you write "Made in China" with "Style".
Did you know Apple Photos can recognize dogs? It is amazing.
投稿日 2015-12-14 17:26
ユーロ耐久。 ポールポジションからスタート! トップを走り続け、これは楽勝!とニヤニヤしていると、アクセル信号トラブル。 はい、終了。...
Using the mini display port and HDMI port on Mac Mini, I manage to setup Mac Mini with Dual 26" monitors. Now the setup is close to what it was when I was using Mac Pro. Other than Audio in and FireWire port, all ports on Mac Mini are full. Not much expansion for this little guy. Next wish is to replace hard disk with ...
What does "MADE IN THE USA" means to you? Does it matter whether the product is made in the USA to you? I do care about where the product is made. Being born in Japan, MADE IN JAPAN also means a lot to me. I'm sure many ladies care about MEDE IN INTALY or FRANCE. Guys care about GERMANY. PSPINC does not ...
I really did not like to see ashtray being nailed to a live tree. This is not right.I wonder who did this. Is it a City of Seattle???
Bruce Johnson was taking photos for 2016 Seattle Execs. handbook.
Those things are very common in Japan but not so much in the US. I don't think you can find them in an office supply stores. Even if you find them, they are extremely expensive. So, I used Alibaba. This is my second purchase from Alibaba. So for the experiences have been very positive. Have you ever used Alibaba?