As of the September 1st release of Google Chrome, the browser will now automatically pause Flash media by default. They have taken this initiative to significantly reduce power consumption by personal computers and to shore up any potential security exploits that may exist with Flash. ClockLink users running Google Chrom...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! We have released a new responsive theme today, called Honey Bees, for use on your blog. Look cute with our theme inspired by fuzzy bumble bees. You can find Honey Bees under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only work with moder...
投稿日 2015-09-14 16:07
まだまだ合成画像の段階ですが、スポーツスターのフレーム加工中です。 このテのカスタムは、見かけ倒しが多いのですが、素性の良い部品を使っているだけに、良い感じになってきました。 適切にチューンナップされたFフォークと、マグネシウム・ホイール、2枚のブレンボが、僕の遊びを許容してくれることを望みます。 ...
投稿日 2015-09-12 09:03
いつもブログルをご利用頂きありがとうございます。 アメリカ西海岸時間: 9月14日(月) / 日本時間: 9月15日(火) にブログルのアバター画像のリサイズ化に伴うアップデート、並びに新レスポンシブデザイン「みつばち」をリリース致します。 ご質問等がございましたら、ブログルサポートまでご連絡くださ...
On Monday Sept 14th we will be deploying a few updates for avatar image sizes, as well as releasing a new Responsive 'Honey Bees' theme for use on your blog. We thank you for your support. The Bloguru Support Team
Relaxing in the middle of three day weekend.
PSPINC's Blog Service, Bloguru has no advertisement. It is free to use as well. Try it for your company blog. http://www.bloguru.com
We made coasters using cork, cloth, and glue! Our hand got sticky, but we were able to make great coasters. We made warabi-mochi (Japanese snack) and had a tea party. Japanese Preschool Seattle Washington Megumi Preschool
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! We have released a new Responsive theme today for use on your blog: Origami. You can find the theme under the Responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, the responsive theme will only work with modern browsers that support HTML5. Thank you for helping us build a be...
Every week we have scheduled calligraphy time, but this time we tried drawing pictures instead! The children tried painting the more famous scenes in Seattle. All of them were beautiful. Japanese Preschool Seattle Washington Megumi Preschool