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Freetinyimages.com photo of th...
I'm not exactly sure when this photo was taken but I really appreciate the huge gathering of straw boater hats. This photo had me wondering, what happened to people wearing hats?
It turns out there isn't a definitive reason why wearing a hat became less popular, but from my research I've come to the conclusion it was a combination of many factors. Mens hair fashion styles changed greatly in the 50's and 60's, more Iconic male celebrities and famous figures were being known for their hair styles such as Elvis and James Dean, also the price of sunglasses and the old stigma that they were only for Blind people or those with vision problems was fading.
I didn't realize sunglasses had such an affect on the hat industry but I guess looking back it makes sense. In the early 1960's Foster and Grant had advertising campaigns for their line of sunglasses which labeled hats as the old fashioned way of getting the sun out of your eyes, so that also helped seal the fate of formal head wear.

While wearing hats never fully went away, they are no longer as popular as they once were, and in my opinion, it's a shame, so I say, Lets bring the hat back, and I'm not talking about baseball hats, I'm talking about bowler/derby hats, fedoras, pork pie hats, flat caps, and the homburg style. These were all classy hats that were fitting for many occasions. Just be sure to use proper hat wearing etiquette, you don't want to offend the misses by not raising your hat by the crown when greeting her, or by not tilting the brim of your hat when greeting a friend, or the classic not-so-classy move of forgetting to remove your hat when entering a restaurant or elevator. you don't want to look like you have no respect do you? of course you don't, you're an old fashioned hat wearer now and with that comes hat wearing responsibility. leave the disrespect for the backwards baseball cap crowd to dish out.

I am in no way hating on baseball caps, I have a ton of them and have been known to wear them backward on occasion, just sayin'. Time to class it up a notch. Lets do it!

I'm going on a mission to acquire a collection of these type of hats now. I'll let you know in a while how my hat hunting is coming, I'll be sure to find another Free Tiny Image of some old timey hat wearers.

This stock photo was found on Free Tiny Images.com. Check out Free Tiny Images for more royalty free stock photos!


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