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Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!

Last night in Zanesville, Ohio - Police with assault rifles stalked a mountain lion, grizzly bear and monkey still on the loose Wednesday after authorities said their owner apparently freed dozens of wild animals and then killed himself.

officials wondered how to dispose of the dead animals after they hunted down and shot nearly 30 of the 48 of them overnight under orders to shoot to kill.

The exotic animal preserve had Bengal tigers, lions, cheetahs, wolves, giraffes, camels and grizzly bears, among others. The animals’ cages had been opened and the farm’s fences had been left unsecured, police said.

The motive for the release and suicide is unclear, but we do know it sealed the fate for many innocent exotic animals.

So in honor of today's news story I've attached a picture of a wood carved bear. You wont find this bear lurking around your child's bus stop or palling around with any Bengal tigers. This bear is cool as can be, standing upright scratching his belly, Nice and safe hanging out by the parking lot.

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