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The "occupy Wall street" movement is going on all around the country. most states have their own "occupy" movement of some sort and while this photo depicts a much clearer message on what they were marching for than the current group of protesters, it shows that marching, and gathering together for causes can make a difference.

The women's suffrage movements of the early twentieth century fought hard for women's rights, World war I put many women to work in factories and women played a bigger part in that war than any other previous wars, the suffrage movement really gained momentum around this time. President Woodrow Wilson responded in support of women's rights by making a speech on September 18, 1918.

Less than a year later the House Of representatives passed a proposal for an amendment of the constitution. On June 4th 1919 the Senate also endorsed the amendment sending it to the states for ratification.

On August 26 1920, after years of protests gatherings and marches, the nineteenth amendment to the constitution became law and women could vote!

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