
freetinyimages's Blog



  • freetinyimages.com Picture of the day

freetinyimages.com Picture of the day

freetinyimages.com Picture of t...
Ah, good ole corn on the cob. These halved corn cobs remind me of a school cafeteria. Take one of these, a handful of tater tots, a soggy chicken patty thrown between two chewy hamburger buns, slap them on a plastic tray and call them a meal.
Sometimes when I'm feeling reminiscent I'll daydream of all the fun I used to have in high school, sitting by myself in the lunchroom, chowing down my chicken sandwich, crying tears of loneliness into my boat shaped cardboard tot carrier, wishing I could throw one of those half cobs right into the face of the school bully so hard it would make the baseball team at the table next to me take notice and want to invite me over to sit with them, praising me for my blood inducing knuckleball. If only.

I came across this photo while uploading new images to Free Tiny Images. If you haven't been there to checkout all the royalty free, stock photos do it now! There are thousands of photos to browse and enjoy. What are you waiting for? get to Free Tiny Images now!



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