- Recent Posts Update Revisited
Bloguru bloggers,
We will be updating the 'Recent Posts' section on our portal page as we have a change.
There is no downtime expected due to this update.
* Thursday, June 7th at 1:00PM (PST)
* Friday, June 8th at 5:00AM (JST)
Following this update, we will continue to include 12 recent posts created within the last 7 days, however posts by a single user made more than 24 hours apart will be eligible to be displayed in Recent Posts.
If a user creates multiple posts within a 24 hour window, only the most recent post will appear in Recent Posts.
Thank you for your understanding,
The Bloguru Support Team
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- まだブログルのメンバーでない方は下記のページから登録をお願いいたします。