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彼はベテラン講師ですので、彼を知っている生徒さんは多いはず♪ええ、そう。今年You Tubeデビューを果たしたあの先生。自室の窓には例のでっかいポスターを貼っています(笑)

1)What do you like to do in your free time?

ーWhen I`m not taking care of my kids, I like to read, watch soccer (especially English Premier League) on TV, take care of my めだか, & do gardening.

2)What do you like about teaching at Teragoya?

ーTeragoya management, staff & teachers have a really good understanding of what works with Japanese EFL students, and they give teachers quite a lot of flexibility & support in delivering that. This is a big positive for both teachers & students.

3)Tell us about your blog.

ーI`ve been doing my blog for... let me check... 5 years! Wow. It`s mainly for students, so I try to use easy English, & I include a small English tip at the end of each post. Please check it out!

4)What do you think is the main weak point of Japanese students?

ーMost Japanese EFL students have few opportunities to use functional English, so they lack confidence. However, with enough opportunities to speak, & encouragement, they generally improve dramatically.

5)What's your next DIY project?

ーI have some decorative ceramic drawer knobs that I found in a shop & bought, so I want to make a small chest of drawers to use them on.

7)Any other comments?

ーNo, but speaking of comments, when you check my blog, please feel free to write a comment!

Take care of〜 〜の面倒を見る
Include〜 〜も含めて(入れて) 
few opportunities ほとんど機会がない
lack confidence 自信がない
Drawer 引き出し
speaking of〜 〜と言えば



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