NHK World Documentary - Wind Telephone

Such a moving story.

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Traveling Tip - Medicine

When you travel to Japan, something are cheap and some are expensive. Pain killers like Buffering, Tylenol and Advil are very expensive compare to the US. So, when you travel to Japan, bring some of the common medicines with you.

There are some medications that are legal in the US but may not be so in Japan. So be careful what you bring.
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Tatami 畳

Long time ago, I saw an elevator with Tatami.
Only in Japan ... I guess.
I wonder if you have to take your shoes off.
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What is MADE IN JAPAN mean to you?

Please tell me what you think of products in general that are MADE IN JAPAN?

What do you own that is made in Japan?

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Japanese Top Level Commercial Domains

Japanese companies usually has domains. There are only one domain per company and it must be registered as a Japanese legal entry to receive this domain. For companies wishing to have more Japanese domains, there are .jp domain.

If you are Japanese entity wishing to have domain or non-Japanese entity but wish to have .jp domain, please contact PSPinc.
or USA-800-232-3989 or USA 425-957-0462
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Two of the oldest companies which are still in business now

Did you know two of the oldest businesses (still in business now) are in Japan. Seriously, they are over 1,400 and 1,300 years old respectively.

Founded: 578 AD

Japanese construction company Kongo Gumi 金剛組 was the world's oldest continuously operating independent company until it was absorbed as a subsidiary of another larger construction company in 2006.

Nshiyama Onsen Keiunkan 西山温泉 慶雲館 is a hot spring hotel in Hayakawa, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan. Founded in 705 AD, it is the oldest hotel and one of the oldest companies in operation.
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Japanese Garden

Do you like Japanese garden?
What is your idea of Japanese garden?
What makes Japanese garden different from Western gardens?

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Izakaya ... 居酒屋

Do you like sake?

Japan has many wonderful Sake places called Izakaya ... Very friendly sake gathering. On the the best places to meet people.

The drinking age in Japan is 20. Just remember that.
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Instant Noodle

When you go to Japan, you might want to try some instant noodles. They are available at any super market or convenience store. You will be surprised by the variety that is available.
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Akihabara Electronics Shopping

Akihabara is a homie for "OTAKU" in Japan. But it is originally know for electronics parts stores. You still find many electronics parts shops in this area.

Akihabara is also known as AKIBA. The music group called AKB 48 ... guess what AKB stand for ...
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