Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 188 日本で買い物(にほんでかいもの)


したがって、日本(にほん)()くときは(ある)きやすい(くつ)()くことをおすすめします。日本(にほん)(くつ)()おうと(かんが)える(かた)もいらっしゃるかと(おも)いますが、日本(にほん)()られている一般的(いっぱんてき)(くつ)のサイズは 28.5cm または US 10.5 が限界(げんかい)で、それ以上(いじょう)になると()つけるのが大変(たいへん)になりますので、ご注意(ちゅうい)ください。

(つぎ)洋服(ようふく)のサイズ表記(ひょうき)について、米国(べいこく)では S, M, L, XL, XXLが一般的(いっぱんてき)ですが、日本(にほん)ではS, M, L, LL, LLL と表示(ひょうじ)(こと)なります。ただし、サイズが(おな)じでも、日本(にほん)(ほう)米国(べいこく)より1サイズ(ちい)さいということを(おぼ)えておいてください。


Shopping in Japan

In the U.S., we drive everywhere, and we don't have many opportunities to walk somewhere. I try to walk a mile a day, which is about 2,300 to 2,400 steps, and in Japan, it’s not unusual to walk that far in the morning. On a normal day, I walk about 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day.

Therefore, you should wear comfortable shoes for walking when you go to Japan. Some people might think it’s better just to buy shoes in Japan, but please note that the maximum shoe size in Japan is 28.5cm, which is a size 10.5 in U.S. standard sizes. So, it’ll be difficult to find shoes bigger than that.

As far as clothes sizing goes from small (S) to XXL in the U.S., but it’s different in Japan. The first three sizes of small (S), medium (M), and large (L) are the same, the sizes after that are LL and LLL. Also, keep in mind that Japanese sizes are actually one size smaller than standard U.S. sizes, even though we call them the same.

So, when shopping in Japan, please remember to check your size accordingly.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 187 ネコ好きが行きたい島(ネコずきがいきたいしま)


(ねこ)神様(がみさま)(まつ)られる元祖(がんそ)猫島(ねこじま) 田代(たしろ)(じま)


東京(とうきょう)から(ちか)猫島(ねこじま) ()()(しま)



淡水(たんすい)()()かぶ猫島(ねこじま) 沖島(おきしま)


人口(じんこう)より(おお)(ねこ)がいる 青島(あおしま)



映画(えいが)のロケ() 真鍋島(まなべしま)



Islands for Cat Lovers

Today, we’re introducing five islands recommended for cat lovers. These islands are famous for having more cats than population.

Tashirojima, the original cat island with a shrine to a cat god

Tashirojima (Tashiro Island) is one of the islands known as Japan's "original cat islands" where people built a shrine for the cat god. Tashirojima is a remote island in the Miyagi Prefecture and has become a tourist attraction as a "cat island" because of the large number of cats that live there. They also say Tashirojima is the model for "Hyokkori Hyotanjima.

Enoshima, a cat island near Tokyo

Enoshima is a Japanese tourist destination located relatively close to Tokyo, also known as one of Japan's cat islands. Enoshima is in Fujisawa City in the Kanagawa Prefecture. So, it’s easily accessible from central Tokyo by train or car, making it a popular destination for many tourists and residents.

Enoshima is a small island characterized by natural scenery, a historical heritage, delicious food, and cats. Cats can be seen in various parts of the island, providing a healing moment for tourists.

Okishima, a cat island in a freshwater lake

Okishima is the largest island in Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan. Okishima is the only inhabited island in Lake Biwa, and there aren’t any cars on the island. There are about ten ferry services to the island, and it takes about 10 minutes to cross over. The island has long been famous for its large number of cats.

Aoshima, an island with more cats than people.

Aoshima, an island in the Seto Inland Sea in the city of Ozu, Aichi Prefecture, is now a popular destination for cat-loving tourists. Especially since the number of cats now outnumbers the human population since 2010, when the population dropped below 50.

Aoshima is 1.6 kilometers long and is located in the Ehime Prefecture in southern Japan. Originally, fishermen brought cats to the island to deal with the rats, but the cats remain and continue to breed on the island today. And the cat population numbers have increased almost exponentially.

Manabe Island, the movie location

Many people know Manabe Island best as the filming location for the movie Setouchi Shonen Yakyu-dan (Setouchi Boys' Baseball Team, in English), that came out in 1984. The island is located in the Seto Inland Sea in the Okayama Prefecture, where you can see the townscape that evokes postwar Japan and the Showa period. Recently, Manabe Island has been known as "Cat Island," but here you won’t only encounter wild cats, but also find undiscovered attractions like rich nature and nostalgic scenery.

We hope all of our cat lovers enjoy some of the most famous cat spots in Japan.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 186 日本でのマナー(にほんでのマナー)


(1) 挨拶(あいさつ)名刺(めいし)交換(こうかん)(かなら)()って(おこな)


(2) (ある)きながらの喫煙(きつえん)飲食(いんしょく)


(3) 大声(おおごえ)(はな)さない


(4) 食事(しょくじ)全員(ぜんいん)(そろ)ってから()べる


(5) 最後(さいご)(ひと)つには()()さない


(6) ホストより(たか)いものは注文(ちゅうもん)しない


(7) 自分(じぶん)がホストの場合(ばあい)は?


(8) 現金(げんきん)()っておく



Manners in Japan

Here are some manners unique to Japanese life and business.

1.  Always stand when greeting or exchanging business cards with someone.

It is extremely rude to greet or exchange business cards with someone while sitting while the other person stands.

2. Smoking, eating, or drinking while walking.

Japanese culture considers smoking, eating, or drinking while walking bad manners. In Japan, especially, there are no garbage cans. This means that you are not supposed to throw out the garbage.

3. Don’t talk loudly.

When conversing in populated places like trains, restaurants, coffee shops, and more, don’t speak loudly. Furthermore, using cell phones may also be prohibited.

4.  Don’t start eating meals with others until after everyone arrives.

When eating at a meeting, be sure to wait until everyone is present before you start to eat. If you are allowed to eat first, the organizer should ask you to eat first.

5. Don’t touch the last leftover.

When you are eating, be careful when eating the last of the food that’s left over. Manners dictate that you should not touch the last piece of food.

6. Don’t order something more expensive than the host.

If someone invites you to a meal, you should avoid ordering something more expensive than your host.

7. Make it easy for your guests to order as the host.

If you’re the host and you invite a guest to a meal, you should either order the most expensive item possible, or you should tell your guest in advance that he or she can order whatever he or she wants.

8.  Keep some cash on hand.

Japan is a cash society, so make sure to have some cash on hand. As a rule of thumb, you should try to have between 30,000 and 50,000 Yen in cash.

These are the things I try to keep in mind when I go to Japan. I hope they will be helpful to you. Have a good time in Japan.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 185 日本に行くときは Suica を買おう(にほんにいくときは Suica をかおう)

Suica(スイカ)は、日本(にほん)のICカード(Integrated Circuit card)の(ひと)つで、(おも)交通(こうつう)機関(きかん)乗車券(じょうしゃけん)やお()(もの)、サービスの支払(しはら)いに利用(りよう)される()接触(せっしょく)(がた)電子(でんし)マネーカードです。このカードは、JR東日本(ひがしにほん)(東日本(ひがしにほん)旅客(りょかく)鉄道(てつどう))が発行(はっこう)しており、2001(ねん)導入(どうにゅう)されました。






海外(かいがい)からの観光客(かんこうきゃく)(かた)()けに、Welcome Suicaがあります。Suicaの通常(つうじょう)機能(きのう)のほかに、一部(いちぶ)観光地(かんこうち)施設(しせつ)割引(わりびき)()けられるツーリスト()けの特典(とくてん)もあります。

Welcome Suicaは、日本(にほん)国外(こくがい)一部(いちぶ)旅行(りょこう)代理店(だいりてん)観光(かんこう)案内所(あんないじょ)などで購入(こうにゅう)可能(かのう)です。利用(りよう)する(さい)には、有効(ゆうこう)期限(きげん)特典(とくてん)内容(ないよう)などを確認(かくにん)し、上手(じょうず)活用(かつよう)すると便利(べんり)なサービスです。下記(かき)公式(こうしき)のサイトですので、最新(さいしん)情報(じょうほう)をチェックして、お(とく)日本(にほん)観光(かんこう)(たの)しんでください。


Buy Suica when you go to Japan!

Suica is one of Japan's integrated circuit (IC) cards, a contactless electronic money card people use mainly for transportation tickets, shopping, and service payments. The East Japan Railway Company (JR East) issues these cards and introduced them in 2001.

Suica is a convenient system that allows users to make payments by simply touching and holding the card over a reader without inserting it, since the IC chip records and reads the information.

People mainly use Suica for:

Public transportation: you can use your card when boarding public transportation such as JR Group trains (especially in the East Japan area), private railways, buses, and subways. By holding the card over the ticket gate at the station, you automatically pay the fare and can pass through the ticket gate.

Shopping: you can use Suica to pay for goods at convenience stores, supermarkets, stores in station buildings, vending machines, and many other places.

Electronic money: Suica also functions as electronic money. By recharging (depositing) the card in advance, you can put the amount you want to use on the card. Then you can make the payment by using the charged amount.

Suica is also compatible with IC cards such as ICOCA and PASMO, not only within the JR East area but also in other regions.

For tourists from overseas, you can also use Welcome Suica. In addition to the normal features of Suica, it also offers tourist benefits like discounts at some tourist attractions and facilities.

You can purchase Welcome Suica at some travel agencies and tourist information centers outside Japan. When using the service, please check the expiration date and the benefits package, and make good use of this convenient service. Check out the official website to see the latest information and enjoy sightseeing in Japan at a reasonable price.


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Nihon ni wa, samazamana dōbutsu kafe ga arimasu. Sono naka de mo saikin ninki na kafe wa "kawauso kafe" desu. Kawauso kafe de wa dōbutsu to fure attari, esa ya o mizu o ageru koto ga dekimasu. Totemo tanoshii node Nihon ni ittara zehi ichi do asobi ni ittemite kudasai! Ryōkin wa 30 pun de 1 , 200 en 1 , 500 en hodo desu.

There are a variety of animal cafes in Japan. One of the most popular cafes these days is the otter café. At otter cafes, you can interact with the animals and feed them food and water. It is a lot of fun, so if you are ever in Japan, you should definitely visit one! The fee is about 1,200 to 1,500 yen for 30 minutes.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 184 日本には入れ墨やタトゥーがあると入れない場所がある(にほんにはいれずみやタトゥーがあるとはいれないばしょがある)







Tattoo Restrictions in Japan

In Japan, sometimes, tattoos restrict people from entering certain facilities. This is because tattoos have a certain image and connotation in Japanese society and culture.

The following are examples of places where tattoos are generally restricted:

1. Onsen and public bathhouses: onsen and public bathhouses often prohibit people with tattoos from entering. People once considered tattoos as a symbol of membership in criminal organizations like the yakuza (gangsters). So, the belief is that they may make other customers anxious. However, in recent years, onsen facilities catering to foreign tourists may be more flexible.

2. Health facilities and sports clubs: this is to avoid tattoos violating the sporting events and tournament rules. It’s also to avoid problems with other users.

3. Janitorial and food-related workplaces: because Japanese people sometimes consider tattoos a hygienic issue, some janitorial and food-related workplaces may not hire people with tattoos.

Although the above restrictions still exist, Japanese society has become more diverse in recent years. And the attitude toward tattoos is changing, especially among the younger generation. And although some places have eased up restrictions for foreign tourists, it’s good to know that some places still have restrictions.

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