Battle Angel 銃夢

Battle Angel 銃夢
Another Japanese anime title turned into a real FX movie by Hollywood.

I hope this one does better than the Ghost in the Shell. Hollywood manage to butcher the storyline.
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和菓子 Wagashi ... Japanese Sweets

和菓子 Wagashi ......
和菓子 Wagashi ......
和菓子 Wagashi ......
My friend gave me this 水羊羹 Mizu-Yokado, a type of Japanese sweets when I was in Japan. This is so good. Many people in the west do not associate red bean (any type of beans) to anything sweet. In japan, many of beans are used to create sweets.
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Sinjyuku ALTA ... 新宿アルタ

Sinjyuku ALTA ....
When you want to meet someone in Shijyuku, people usually pick ALTA as a place to meet. It is located right access the street from JR Shinjyuku Station and is one of the first building in Japan with big screen.

Studio ALTA was a home to the long running popular TV Variety Show called 笑っていいとも ... Waratte-Iitomo. The show run for 30 years。The show ened in March 31, 2014.
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Let me introduce someone.

Let me introduce someone.
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海鮮丼 Kaisenn Donburi

海鮮丼 Kaisenn Don...
海鮮丼 Kaisenn Don...
海鮮丼 Kaisenn Don...
海鮮丼 Kaisenn Don...
Kaisen = Fresh Seafood
Donburi = Deep Dish

Every for that served with rice and topping is called Donburi. For instance:

Tamag Donburi = UnaDon = Egg Donburi
Tempura Donburi = TenDon
Unagi Donburi = UnaDon = Eel Donburi

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Car Tax in Japan

Car Tax in Japan
The yearly car tax is based on the size of an engine.
K-Car 軽自動車 is the cheapest.
There is no consideration for Turbo to Super Charger.
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Hato Bus Tour

Hate Bus Terminal just Shut of... Hate Bus Terminal just Shut of JR Tokyo Station Marunouch Entrance.
One of the best ways to tour Japan (Tokyo) is get on the tour bus operated by Hato Bus. はとバス

This bus has been around for a long time and now operates many tours daily and nightly. Buses are modern and very clean with a guide. You can expect spend $30 to $90 depending on the tour. If you are not familiar with Tokyo, you might want to get on it.
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オタク Otaku

オタク Otaku
You do not hear this term very much any more but the word Oraku refers to the people that are somewhere between Geek and Nerd.

The word Otaku means "YOU". When the group of people who are not socially trained started calling others "Otaku", the word stuck back to them. Otaku itself is a price way of addressing you. You can say "Otaku Sama" to be very polite.
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食べ放題 Means "All You Can Eat"

食べ放題 Means "All...
There are many restaurants offer "All You Can Eat" in Japan. It usually limited by the time. Also there are some places that offer "All You Can Drink" 飲み放題 as well.
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Virtual Reality Porn

Virtual Reality Porn
Virtual Reality Porn
I saw this in Akihabara ... This tells me the VR is here to stay.

This means, someone is making videos (porn videos)using VR camera.

When the porn industry thinks VR is real business, that means VR is.
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