Japanese-Online Newsletter

Japanese-Online Newsletter
We will be starting Japanese-Online Newsletter (メルマガ = Mail Magazine) soon. We have the subscription page now online. If you are interested, please sign=up. It is no charge for now.

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New Sponsor at Japanese-Online.com

New Sponsor at Japanese-Onlin...
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Quick Lunch

Quick Lunch
Japanese style quick lunch for about US$10.
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Japnese Food Court

They often show the picture of... They often show the picture of foods they serve,
You buy tickets. You buy tickets.
Okonomiyaki Okonomiyaki
Zaru Soba Zaru Soba
Many super markets and shopping malls have food court. Foods are good and very inexpensive. Here are two of the most popular food items at Japanese food court.,
#aboutjapan #japaneseonline #japaneseonlinequestion #uchikuraco #visitjapan


Sister Acts: How Music Can Help You Learn a New Language

Language and music are deeply entwined. They are sisters to each other, both rooted in rhythm, tone, and melody. Likewise, they both have a learning curve to the newcomer. But, the beauty is, these two can be combined for an incredible result; learning a new language (www.japanese-online.com/page/lessons-basics-characters) with the help of music is incredibly effective.
It was previously thought that language and music used two differing brain functions. Speech functions were localized in the left-brain hemisphere and language in the right. But scientific advances in brain imaging technology have challenged that idea as of late. In fact, it’s becoming increasingly clear that there’s a whole lot of overlap between the two. The data is overwhelming that music can aid in one’s quest (www.fluentu.com/blog/learning-language-through-music/?nabe=4857995676876800:1&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F) to learn a new language.
How it Helps
If you were asked, “Which letter comes before R?”, you would probably have to sing the alphabet song in order to remember it is ‘Q’. Ask any kindergartener, and you will realize that, even at a young age, we become aware rather quickly of the perks of memorizing things in conjunction with music. It’s true, the power of music is seldom matched (https://ledgernote.com/columns/music-theory/circle-of-fifths-explained/), both in terms of its memorization benefits and its complexity itself. For instance, think about how much easier it is for you to memorize your favorite song than it was to memorize your multiplication tables.
You see, certain songs trigger memories (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-athletes-way/201312/why-do-the-songs-your-past-evoke-such-vivid-memories), just like the way scent does. Music can help ingrain in your mind events that happened years ago, and it can help you to recall them with ease. Channeling this tool when it comes to memorizing a new alphabet and language is just as effective. There is no reason you can’t help yourself memorize the hiragana and katakana alphabets with music. Not only will this make the process easier, but it will most likely make it more fun and interesting, too.
How it Works 

The brain is an “association machine”. It remembers new information by connecting it with the information already there (www.newsmax.com/FastFeatures/parts-of-the-brain/2016/05/23/id/730269/). So, the memories or facts you most easily remember are those that get linked, whether consciously or subconsciously, to memories and information already there. Simple enough, right? Just remember that for you to retain the vocabulary and store it in your long-term memory, you have to creatively connect them with something else. If you were trying to memorize the Japanese word “Oboemasu”, you could think of the oboe, a musical instrument, and you could pair “masu” with another word it reminds you of, perhaps the word, “massage”. 

Songs create these same kinds of opportunities for making connections, which is why they’re so memorable. There are plenty of people who can’t remember their friend’s birthdays, yet they know all of the words to hundreds of songs. By pairing new vocabulary with music, you not only allow your brain to make more connections to the new words you are learning, but you target the rhythmic side of music and language that pair so well together, too.
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Newsletter is Coming !!!

Newsletter is Coming !!!
We are starting Japanese-Online newsletter very soon. We are working on the subscription form. We will keep you posted.
#JapaneseOnlineNewsletter #aboutjapan #japaneseonline


Foot Ticket and Vending Machine --- 食券販売

Foot Ticket and...
Foot Ticket and...
Foot Ticket and...
Many small chain of Japanese restaurants, you select what you want to eat and pay at the vending machine. The machine give you a ticket and you take it to the counter. That is how you order.

Have you ever seen the system like this anywhere?

By doing this, the shop employee would never handle cash and there is no crime to hold up the restaurant either.
#aboutjapan #japaneseonline #japaneseonlinequestion #uchikuraco #visitjapan


Hagi no Tsuku 萩の月

Hagi no Tsuku 萩...
Hagi no Tsuku 萩...
Hagi no Tsuku 萩...
Hagi no Tsuku 萩...
Hagi no Tsuku 萩...
Gagi no Tsuki is one of the most well know Japanese sweets from Sendai 仙台 area. The sponge and custard cream is wonderful and sweet. One of our staff just came back rom Sendai and brought me this. It is good thing that I only got one.

What sweets fop you like from Japan?

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Japanese Language T Shirt

Japanese Language T Shirt
Japanese Language T Shirt
Japanese Language T Shirt
Japanese Language T Shirt
Japanese Language T Shirt
Japanese Language T Shirt
Japanese Language T Shirt
Japanese Language T Shirt
Japanese Language T Shirt
When I search T shits with Japanese theme ... those are what I have found.
I think we can do better.
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Japanese Full Course Lunch / Dinner

Japanese Full Course Lunch / ...
Japanese Full Course Lunch / ...
Japanese Full Course Lunch / ...
Japanese Full Course Lunch / ...
Japanese Full Course Lunch / ...
Japanese Full Course Lunch / ...
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