Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 257 日本のクリスマスについて(にほんのくりすますについて)

Japanese Online...

1. クリスマスは恋人(こいびと)たちの()

日本(にほん)ではクリスマスは、家族(かぞく)()ごす伝統的(でんとうてき)()というよりも恋人(こいびと)やパートナーと()ごす()として(とら)えられています。イルミネーションやクリスマスディナーを(たの)しむカップルが(おお)く、(とく)に**クリスマスイブ(12(がつ)24(にち))**はデートの()として定着(ていちゃく)しています。 高級(こうきゅう)レストランやホテルはクリスマスイブに()わせて特別(とくべつ)なプランを提供(ていきょう)し、(おお)くのカップルが予約(よやく)をします。

2. 家族(かぞく)友達(ともだち)(たの)しむパーティー文化(ぶんか)



3. クリスマスイルミネーションと装飾(そうしょく)


4. ギフト文化(ぶんか)(ひか)えめ


5. 商業的(しょうぎょうてき)なクリスマス


6. 宗教的(しゅうきょうてき)意味合(いみあ)いは(うす)



Christmas in Japan
People in Japan widely accept that Christmas is not a “religious holiday” as it is in Western or Christian culture, and instead as a “fun event” that has evolved uniquely. The following are some of the unique characteristics of how people spend Christmas in Japan.
1. A Day for Lovers
In Japan, people see Christmas as a day to spend with lovers and partners rather than a traditional day with family. Many couples enjoy Christmas dinner and lights, and Christmas Eve (December 24) in particular has become a date day. Fine restaurants and hotels offer special plans for Christmas Eve, and many couples make reservations.
2. Party Culture with Family and Friends
Since Christmas isn’t a national holiday in Japan, many people spend Christmas as an event to enjoy with friends and family after work or school.
Christmas Cake: An essential part of the celebration includes being surrounded by friends and family. Strawberry sponge cake is especially popular.
Chicken: Fried chicken is very popular in Japan as an alternative to turkey. KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is particularly flooded with reservations during the Christmas season, and stores are crowded.
3. Christmas Lights and Decorations
During the Christmas season, they decorate the streets with gorgeous illuminations and decorations. In large cities, they hold Christmas events at shopping malls, train stations, and tourist attractions, attracting many people. In homes, they often decorate small trees and wreaths.
4. Modest Gift Culture
In Japan, the gift exchange culture is not as strong as it is in Western culture. People mainly tend to give gifts to lovers, close friends, and children. The “otoshidama” (New Year’s money gifts) tradition is more highly valued during the year-end and New Year period, so Christmas gifts tend to be relatively simple.
5. Commercial Christmas
Christmas is very much a commercial event in Japan. Department stores and shopping malls conduct Christmas sales, especially in December, which is the most festive season of the year. Businesses and restaurants offer Christmas-only products and special menus to entice consumers to buy.
6. Little Religious Significance
In Japan, a portion of the population has a Buddhist or Shinto cultural background, so they accept Christmas as a fun and seasonal event and tradition rather than a religious event.
Christmas in Japan has become a well-established event for having a joyful time with family, lovers, and friends. Illuminations, cake, and chicken symbolize this event, and it’s especially popular for lovers as a dating event. Christmas in Japan, so to speak, is a day to share love and fun. It’s a little different from Christmas in other countries, but it’s also a uniquely Japanese charm.

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