- Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 160 日本の入国手続(にほんのにゅうこくてつづき)
また、次の3つの証明(日本ではQR Codeと呼んでいます)が必要です。
(1) 検疫 Quarantine
(2) 入国審査 Immigration
(3) 税関 Custom
この3つの項目を完成させ、それぞれのQR Codeを取得してください。これらがないと日本への入国はできません。また、到着後に空港で取り掛かると時間がかかりますので、出発前に準備されることをお勧め致します。
Japan’s Entry Requirements
Today, you need three documents to enter Japan. I will explain the procedure here.
For first-time users, please start by creating an account at Visit Japan website. After creating an account and logging in, enter your information, accompanying family members, and your arrival and departure plans.
Additionally, you’ll need three certificates. (which are called QR codes in Japanese)
1. Quarantine
2. Immigration
3. Customs
After completing these certificates, you’ll receive a QR code for each. Without these, you won’t be able to enter Japan. So, authorities recommend you prepare them before your departure as it’ll take time to complete them all at the airport after you arrive in Japan.
If you enter Japan from China on or after January 12th, you’ll also need to prove you don’t have Covid by submitting negative test results. For the latest information on travel requirements, please check the government website.
You can also visit Digital Agency’s YouTube channel for details.
Have a good trip!
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