Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 117 ゴールデンウィーク
Golden Week
In Japan, there is a holiday that occurs at the end of April until the beginning of May called Golden Week. This is also classified as a national holiday in Japan, meaning that offices are closed during this time. Many Japanese citizens travel during this time. However, they were unable to due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. This year, many people are taking the opportunity to travel now that those restrictions have been lifted.
Golden Week consists of four distinct holidays. The first is on April 29th, known as Showa Day. The name refers to Japan’s former emperor, Emperor Showa, and the day honors his birthday. Next is Constitution Day, which takes place on May 3rd. Like its name suggests, it commemorates the declaration on Japan’s Constitution from 1947. Then, they celebrate nature by taking trips to the countryside on May 4th, otherwise known as Greenery Day. Lastly, there’s Children’s Day, which is celebrated on May 5th. And there are many special events as well as outdoor attractions that only offer free admissions during this holiday, especially on Greenery Day and Children’s Day.
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