運転太郎, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
kyou ha 2022 nen no kyuusyougatsu desu 。 nihon de ha meizizidai ni taiinreki no syougatsu wo haishi shi te seireki ni ka wari mashi ta 。 shinreki no 1 gatsu 1 niti wo syougatsu to yo bu node taiinreki no syougatsu wo kyuu syougatsu to yo bi masu 。
Google kensaku de kyuu syougatsu to kensaku suru to kekka pe-zi ni omosiro i koto ga o kori masu yo 。
Today is the Lunar New Year of 2022. In Japan, the lunar New Year was abolished in the Meiji era and replaced by the Western calendar. Since January 1 of the new calendar is called New Year's Day, the lunar New Year is called Lunar New Year.
If you search Lunar New Year in Google Search, you will see some interesting things on the results page.
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