Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 35 日本語の正しい発音方法(1)(にほんごのただしいはつおんほうほう)

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今日(きょう)はローマ()()かれた日本語(にほんご)(ただ)しい発音(はつおん)方法(ほうほう)についてお(はなし)します。(たと)えば(わたし)名前(なまえ)は、内倉(うちくら)憲一(けんいち)(うちくらけんいち)で、ローマ()()くと Uchikura Kenichi になります。発音(はつおん)しにくそうな名前(なまえ)ですよね。これを日本語(にほんご)(はな)さない(ひと)()むと、ウチクラ ケニチになってしまいます。これはローマ()がこのように()けられているからなのです。

U Chi Ku Ra Ke Ni Chi 母音(ぼいん)()けるとウチクラ ケニチになります。でもこれは間違(まちが)いなのです。(わたし)名前(なまえ)場合(ばあい)母音(ぼいん)()けるときに N () 単体(たんたい)認識(にんしき)してU Chi Ku Ra Ke N I Chi ウチクラケンイチにしなければいけません。ではローマ()場合(ばあい)(わたし)名前(なまえ) N I (んい)を2つの言葉(ことば)とする場合(ばあい) Ni(に)をどう区別(くべつ)するのでしょうか。

ローマ()だけを()場合(ばあい)N I (んい)()いたものと Ni(に)区別(くべつ)する方法(ほうほう)はありません。ひらがなやカタカナなら、(わたし)名前(なまえ)「うちくらけんいち」「ウチクラケンイチ」の(なか)には、「に」「二」が存在(そんざい)しないことがわかります。N I Ni にならない理由(りゆう)説明(せつめい)します。それは(わたし)名前(なまえ)漢字(かんじ)にあります。



Correct pronunciation of Japanese (1)

Today I will talk about the correct pronunciation of Japanese written in the Roman alphabet. As an example, my name is “内倉憲一”. If I write it in the Roman alphabet, it will be “Uchikura Kenichi”. It's a name that seems difficult to pronounce when you are just reading Roman letters. If a person who does not speak Japanese reads this, it will become “U-Chi-Ku-Ra-Ke-Ni-Chi”. This is because the Roman alphabet is divided in this way.

If you divide “U-Chi-Ku-Ra-Ke-Ni-Chi” by vowel, it becomes “ウチクラケニチ”, but this is a mistake. In the case of my name, when dividing it by vowel, N (n) must be recognized by itself and pronounced it as “U-Chi-Ku-Ra-Ke-N-I-Chi” “ウチクラケンイチ”. So how do you distinguish between the two words in my name, “N I” and “Ni”, in the Roman alphabet?

If you look only at the Roman alphabet, there is no way to distinguish Ni from what you wrote as N I. In hiragana and katakana, you can see that "" and "" do not exist in "うちくらけんいち" and "ウチクラケンイチ" in my name. To explain why “N” and “I” do not become “Ni”, it's in the kanji of my name.

"Kenichi" is written in Kanji as "憲一". "" is pronounced "ken" and "" is “ichi" - that is why it is "Kenichi". The pronunciation of "ni" does not appear anywhere. When memorizing Japanese, if you memorize hiragana and katakana first instead of romaji, the pronunciation will be correct. Consider this the beginning of a new pronunciation series I will send that will be broken down into several parts.

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