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One of the most popular pastime for Japanese people is to go and stay in Japanese ryokan which has a natural hot spring or an onsen.(日本人が最も好きな余暇の過ごし方は、温泉のある旅館に行くことです。)

Onsen with open-air baths called rotenburo have become popular among people of all ages. (外にある温泉は露天風呂といわれ、全ての世代の人たちに愛されてます。)

The best hot spring place in Japan I really like is Hakone. Hakone is located in Kanagawa Prefecture and it takes only two hours to go to Hakone from Tokyo by car. (私が日本にある温泉で一番好きな場所は、箱根です。東京から車でわずか二時間で行くことができます。)

The air is cool and nice and also there are so many good ryokan. (空気がきれいで澄んでいて、多くのいい旅館があります。)

I'm sure that you can feel Japanese Hospitality called "Omotenashi".(きっと日本の「おもてなし」を受けることができるでしょう。)

If you have free time and want to recover from your fatigue, you should visit Hakone, which is awesome. (もし時間があって、疲れを癒したいなら、ぜひ箱根を訪れてみて!ほんとに最高!!)
#japaneseculture #japaneseonline #jol


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