Today, I had no hospital appointments and no plans to go out, so I decided to take a short walk around my neighborhood. Initially, I only intended t...
It's been a month since my surgery today. My appetite is coming back. Though it's still less than before, I'm able to enjoy my meals again. I'm also a...
I had a kidney transplant on February 1st, and today is March 1st. Even though February is shorter than other months, the past month has flown by. T...
Second Checkup This Week First, I went to the lab for a blood test and a urine test. After that, I had an appointment with a nurse at 9 AM. Since so...
Selling 1,000,000 of these—do you think that's even possible? But each one costs $5 million. If you think about it, a lot of wealthy Chinese buyers mi...
Recent Decline in U.S. Stock PricesLately, U.S. stock prices have been frequently declining. What is the major reason behind this? I believe it is rel...
Advances in Human and Human Technology Hello, this is Uchikura from PSPINC. How are you all doing? As I mentioned in my blog and social media pages, I...
Hello, this is Ken Uchikura, President of PSPINC.Today is February 26, 2025, and it has been 26 days since my kidney transplant surgery.I cannot say t...
If you are in the United States illegally, you need to register with United States government. Even if you did the register, you are not entitled to s...
Today's lunch was at a bakery chain called Panera Bread, where I bought a dozen freshly baked bagels. In the U.S., a dozen usually means 12, but at ba...