Web hosting refers to providing storage space and access to websites. In other words, web hosting acts like a space where websites store their files so users can view them online. So, every website you’ve ever been on is hosted on a server.There are three types of hosting: Shared: consists of one server where mul...
投稿日 2023-10-15 12:13
SEO(Search Engine Optimization)とは、ウェブサイトやブログを検索エンジンで上位表示させるための対策のことを指します。以下は、初心者でも取り組みやすい基本的なSEO対策のポイントです。 キーワード選定 対象とするキーワードを明確にしましょう。そのキーワードで検索するユーザ...
Creating a beautifully designed website can be great for business, but marketing your business shouldn’t stop there. You also need to make sure people know it exists. To do that, you can market your site by updating your site content and sharing the link to social media. Just because you have a great site, it doesn’t m...
Social media marketing is an invaluable asset to include in your digital marketing plan. It’s an easy but effective way to grow your business online. Most entrepreneurs today know how vital it can be to their business. But it’s what you do with social media that can make a real difference in how effective it can be. It’...
When you want to look for a new restaurant to go to or get your car serviced, the first place you’ll look is Google. The same can be said when you’re looking for any kind of service from a business. After entering your query into Google, the first thing that’ll pop up is a list of businesses in your local area. And ri...
Googleは2023年7月1日をもってユニバーサルアナリティクス (UA)におけるデータ計測を停止することを発表しています。近年、オンラインプライバシーの重要性に関心が高まっており、トラッキングクッキーを許可しないユーザーが増えています。これまでのユニバーサルアナリティクスはユーザーのCookie...
In case you missed it, Google Analytics is sun-setting Universal Analytics (UA) at the beginning of next month. In 2020, Google Analytics introduced Google Analytics 4 (GA4), giving users the option to use either. Now, to favor GA4 over UA, Google Analytics will stop collecting and processing data for UA properties starting July...