投稿日 2016-07-04 11:26
ウチクラ ケンイチ
面白いサイトを見つけた。 体のサイズを送るとそのサイズにあったカスタムシャツを作ってくれると言うものだ。インターネットを最大に利用してカスタムでシャツやズボン、スーツをつくりオンラインで販売するビジネスは私も興味を持って考えたことがある。 このサイトに登録してみた。確かに商品は良いのかもしれない。サ...
Why should customer choose you over your competitors? Have you ever spend time to think about that? Here are some of the things you may be thinking about... (1) Product You may have better product than the other people. (2) Service You may have better service, after care, return policy, warranty than your competitor...
I have been hearing many marketing people say "Branding" especially in fast few years. I have read a few articles on branding and I could not come up with the simple explanation what it is and how it can be done. Then I searched for and listen to people. What I came up is this... If you advertise enough with your logo an...
I sometime wonder who Microsoft is competing? Today, Microsoft looks like competing with Best Buy, Staples and Walmart. It's kind of sad to see the so...
Do you think it is ago pod idea for any Volkswagen (VW) group automaker to actively push ear end sales marketing? I understand VW group are being humored in negative publicities but I still see TV and Internet advertisement for year end sales vent. I personally think it might be a good idea to be just quiet. But that is ...
Mayumi Nakamura, President of Seattle Executives Association, is visiting member companies. Sh already has visited over 85% of all the member companies. Today she visited one company that represents MOVING and STORAGE classification in the association. Can you name who the ember is? The answer is | | | | | | | | ...
It must be hard for German people to know VW cheated on their diesel engines for emission, because diesel engine was invented by German in Germany. When you run a company that creates, invents and innovates, sometimes sales and marketing run ahead of R&D. It is important to make sure you created works the ...
I just received the following email for the Web development. I understand what they are trying communicate but I think this is a bad message. Sure, you don't want to compete in just price but your price should be competitive. Also, the fact that this is sent to me, they have done do research on who they are sending this ema...
Meetings are done on Kobe. Tokyo is the center but not everything.
You create beautiful web and deliver it to your clients. You get paid one time or may be some maintenance fee. You may be doing the SEO and other web marketing service to your clients. But you always have to work for your revenue. Have you ever thought about recurring revenue for hosting your clients web and email...