投稿日 2017-09-14 09:00
ウチクラ ケンイチ
This must be the most powerful desktop PC we have ever built for our client. We do not usually build PC but the customer's request was so specific, we can only build it ourselves. I see this kind of PCs at COMPUTEX Taiwan earlier this year.
After the Seattle Executives association meeting, instead going directly back to the car and drive back, I visited Fox's Seattle. She asked me whet they need to do to use our web and email service ... It was really nice of Zoey to ask me that. Don't worry about doing business with PSPinc ... when time comes, you call me. ht...
This is a pre-release announce meant of the new service that PSPinc (http://www.pspinc.com) is launching with Woodstock Media Group (http://www.woodstockmediagroup.com). The service is called ClickItAudio. Instead of us writing about it, just visit the link below and click on the "Headset" button. That will explain what it...
投稿日 2017-09-12 13:05
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Should Uchikura Co Open a Store at Amazon?
I sometime received marketing email using Gmail address ... It is crazy to think any legitimate company using Gmail. This is one of the reason why corporation of any size should use email using free email domains. I know some people argue that Gmail as a mailer, it is one of the best. Well, you can setup Gmail to access a...
投稿日 2017-09-11 09:59
ウチクラ ケンイチ
If you don't try, nothing will happen. If you don't practice, you will not get better.
投稿日 2017-09-10 10:23
ウチクラ ケンイチ
My friend Tom introduced me to the company that produces three wheel adaptation kit for large motorcycles. It is really cool.
PSPinc can create any service into a Web Based server side application. If you business can benefit from making your service into a web app., please let me know. We can create a web based business together.
投稿日 2017-09-09 09:00
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We just completed the first look at system walk through. I requested couple of changes but the system is almost ready to go. I believe we can release (alpha) to Seattle area this month. http://www.kiroboto.com
投稿日 2017-09-08 12:10
ウチクラ ケンイチ
As we have been saying, Kiroboto first alpha release is few weeks away if not days. We are doing the alpha release walk through tomorrow. Let's hoe it is ready. Kiroboto is a Market Place service design to help companies and individuals to sell products and service to the local market. It is free to use. If you have anyth...