投稿日 2017-12-16 09:18
ウチクラ ケンイチ
As one of its daily deals, Amazon takes 50% off a selection of Timbuk2 backpacks and bags. Plus, all orders bag free shipping. Deal ends today. https://kiroboto.com/Posts/view/61
When you think about Net Neutrality … You really have to think from the consumer point of view and the content provider point of view. When you think ...
This sounds really bad .. But I don't understand why FCC wants to do this. I need to really see how it affect me and my company. The truth will be, I don't think it will change much. I don't think COMCAST and other service providers are going to able to ask consumers to pay more. They may ask companies like NETFLIX t...
投稿日 2017-12-14 09:02
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Uchikira & Co is continuing development / refinrment of Kiroboto Market Place service. You can register your company and promote the sale of anything for free. Whether you are a business or individual, Kiroboto is free. https://kiroboto.com
I purcahse MacOS Server and try to conver my Mac Mini into a server. It was a server to begin with. But after I purchased it amd istalled, i try to run it. I could not run the server software. I called Apple and they refund me the purchase price. I think wioth iCloud, yiu don't really need to have you local Mac as a server.
We have just released the cosmetic updates to Kiroboto. https://kiroboto.com
投稿日 2017-12-13 09:28
ウチクラ ケンイチ
No matter how hard you try, accidents will happen. That is why they are called accidents. As a professional, you have to make sure you do everything you can to prevent accident from happening. But you are also required to prepare for the worst case scenario. In many businesses, people look at the best scenario and not...
投稿日 2017-12-12 10:27
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We have less than 3 weeks to the end of this year. Are you planning to do something new next year? I am always planning but really never spend enough effort ... I will do more next year.
投稿日 2017-12-10 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Do you think products will sell if they were cheaper? No, they will not sell just because they were cheaper. First of all, you must have products people want. Then they will sell more if they were cheaper than anyone else.
投稿日 2017-12-09 09:17
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Due to the heavier volume of the traffic, site counter has crushed twice in last 1 week. I really need to look into it. It is ver 700 visitors inice the start. Http://www.postinheaven.com