ワンタッチ満足度評価システム 皆様がこのニュースレターをお読みになる頃、私は神戸にいます。シアトルに帰るのは17日の月曜日ですが、今週末は韓国ソウルに行きます。今回のソウル行きはビジネスというよりもビジネスクラスの航空券代を半分にするための裏技なのです。なぜ韓国往復をすると安くなるのでしょうか。 今...
Why Do Business Owners Work Such Long Hours? It is not uncommon for business owners to work long hours. In my case, I easily work 12 hours a day and 7...
I had few great meetings today. One in particular gave me an idea how to promote our services. It was a warm day but i hear it will start get cold tomorrow.
SSL, TLS and Security Lately there is a lot of talk going on around Internet Security. Much of the talk are about supporting TLS 1.2, but you are aske...
投稿日 2019-08-24 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I publish newsletter one a week. If you interested in reading, please subscribe using the link below. * Indicates a required field * Email Address: Su...
投稿日 2019-07-22 09:03
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I had my brunch at Bellevue Hilton this morning. Relaxing Sunday. I am at office getting ready for a new week. I have added "Die Neue Seite" at the bottom of my email signature. I will explain what it means at my next newsletter. you can subscribe to my newsletter at http://www.uchikura.co
When Japan was known for manufacturing center of the world, Japan did not just copy western products, they made it shorter, smaller, lighter, thinner (Tan Shou Kei Haku). Of course, the final product does the same but they are much shorter, smaller, lighter and thinner which provide cheaper transport cost and fewer pa...
01/10/2019 CRM / Customer Relationship Management Dear Reader, When you hear a word CRM, you immediately think it is very expensive and is for large c...
Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 2 12/13/2018 Dear Reader, This is volume 2 of my newsletter. I am starting to plan my schedule for 2019, the first thing ...
If you are designing a product, design it for tomorrow, not today. Today will be yesterday when the product is done.