As we announced earlier this week, we have been working hard to fix the issue of email spoofing*. We are happy to announce that we have updated our spoof filtering within our email hosting service, Dreamersi. To enable this new spoof filtering update: 1. Login to your Dreamersi account 2. Click "Spam Filter" 3. Click "S...
Recently we have seen an increase in email spoofing* occurring with spam emails being delivered to inboxes. Within the Dreamersi admin panel in the Spam Filter > Sender Filter settings we have a feature called "Spoof Filtering" to prevent this issue. However, we have noticed that spoofed email messages are bypassing...
Dear valued customers, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail server update. You may experience delay in receiving emails for a few seconds during the time below. The schedule is as follows: * USA Pacific...
Last week, we announced that one of our online communities, DENREI, just launched a mobile app! We still have the browser version available, but we’ve created the app specifically to improve users’ experience. With the app, the sign-up and account set-up process is simpler, eliminating the need for an email client. It ...
We’re excited to share with you that our online community platform, DENREI, now has an app available to download for free in the app store for U.S users! We still have the desktop version available, but we specifically developed the app to improve usability for the user. With the app, users will no longer have to configur...
Do restaurant owners always sell the same dishes every day in the same way? Based on experience, they probably think about how much food to buy based on how much food they think they’ll use each day. However, it’s not always possible to buy ingredients at the same price every time. Plus, there may some leftov...
In 1999, Pacific Software Publishing, Inc (PSPINC). released NewsMAIL, a software package for sending email to multiple email addresses. At the time, NewsMAIL was not an Internet-based service like it is today. Instead, it was a software package that delivered email after being installed on a Windows PC. The price was prev...
企業や団体、個人事業主が自己ドメインを持ってホームページを持つのは何のためなのでしょうか。自己ドメインのホームページがなぜ必要なのか疑問に思ったことはありませんか。答えは簡単です。自分が所属する会社の存在をユーザーに認知していただくためです。 Facebook, Yelp, Twitter, Ins...
Why do companies, organizations, and sole proprietors have websites with their own domain names? Have you ever wondered why you need a unique domain name for your website? The answer is simple. It’s to drive awareness towards the existence of your company. There are many ways to share information about y...
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. が提供する .com ドメイン + Web Site + Unlimited Email のホスティングサービスDreamersi は、そのサービスの内容と既に年間$250という低額のため、これまで割引はしませんでした。しかし、20...