We truly regret to inform you at approximately 11:15 pm on Thursday, July 2, PSP Data Center at Fisher Plaza experienced a total power outage. This has caused all of our servers and connections to the network to fail totally until approximately 4am on July 4, PST. None of our equipment was damaged by the fire causing t...
There was a fire at Fisher Plaza datacenter. We were up for last 30 hours streight. Please take a look at my twitter account. twitter.com/uchikura
I am sorry but if you want to make blog, any blog work for you, you need to post something as much as possible. Something is a lot better than nothing. Your web site is not working for you because you are not spending any time. When was the last time you updated your web site? How about your blog? You will not attra...
This site will reach 2,000 visitors this month, but compared to Japanese, it is only 1/10. Please help us grow by posting more, visiting more. Thank you.
When the white house is using blog, twitter, facebook, youtube and so on ... don't you think your company should do the same? If you have question, ask me. I will help as much as I can.
Bloguru Chan T Shirt is now available in Japan by the designer of the character. It is very amine like. I will see if we can get some from Japan. Are you interested? Please let me know if you are interested. I can only ship to people in the US and I will charge nothing of you promise to wear it and take a picture of yourse...
All Bloggers on Bloguru have been given 3 invites to send to their friends. You can send these invites in your administration page.
We have just issued three (3) invitations to everyone using bloguru.com. Please invite your friends and family members. Bloguru.com is an invitation only, commercial free blog site.
Twitter is down. It is not cool but as a another company who operates data center and hundreds of servers, we really understand what they must be going through. Recently, I have noticed that twitter is being run over by the people who claim to get you bigger traffic by posting porn picture. They must be having hell of a t...
Making blog work for your business. Like any other web services, you need to spend time and put in some effort. You need to update your blog. People will not come to the web site that is not updated, so as your blog. The amount of time that you need to spend has the direct relationship to how many people will visit your...