When it comes to Blog, quantity outweigh quality. People who write more will get more audiences. No matter how good the content, if you write only once a month, you will not attract people to your blog. I had a chance to talk with one of the bloggers today. He has a great information, but using the blog to deliver the entire...
New Features: 1)File upload function 2)Aggregators 3)Comment disable/enable option for individual blog entry. 4)Allow PNG image for upload please try the new features and enjoy BLOGURU!!!
We have released two new features to Bloguru.com. Those are (1) File Upload & Sharing, (2) Bloguru RSS Aggregator. Those are labeled as beta version since it was just released this week.
Bloguru now supports PNG file format in addition to JPG and GIF.
Twitter is acting very slow and it showed "Over Capacity" error sometimes. Twitter worked great when we had fire at Fisher Plaza and lost the ability to communicate with the world. As I look at Twitter, it has no advertisement. How are they making money? With this much users, they must be adding servers like a crazy....
ClockLinbk.com released three new clocks.
http://www.adhost.com/blog/ Adhost issued the statement about the Fisher Plaza Disaster.
From Fisher Home Page Communicating with clients is at least as important as fixing a problem. Keeping clients in a dark is the worst thing you can do...
We truly regret to inform you at approximately 11:15 pm on Thursday, July 2, PSP Data Center at Fisher Plaza experienced a total power outage. This has caused all of our servers and connections to the network to fail totally until approximately 4am on July 4, PST. None of our equipment was damaged by the fire causing t...