I am working this morning on cleaning up the Bloguru categories. This will make it easier to categorize blog posts.
We need to clean up bloguru categories. If you have any category you would like to see added, please contact me.
It is Children's Day on May 5th in Japan today. It is a national holiday celebrating your healthy life. We are serving bamboo shoots mixed rice and dorayaki (azuki bean paste pancake sandwich) as a special lunch. The reason why we eat bamboo shoots for the day, parents would like you to grow like a bamboo. Sometimes, ...
At Free Tiny Images you will find thousands of royalty free stock photos for you to use. There are many photos of Nature, people, transportation, and many other categories to browse, so come by and check out Free Tiny Images.com! This photo of a white cherry blossom reminds me of spring/summer and warm weather, ...
Today, students in Zo and Kujira class from Bellevue Megumi went to the field trip to Seattle Megumi Preschool by the school bus. They enjoyed the event "Let's enjoy exercising!" with Kei Kinoshita sensei, PE teacher at Megumi Preschool and Seattle Megumi students. They enjoyed fun game and running a lot. After the fun e...
Thank you for using Clocklink. Today we made the following updates: 1. Separated Greenland into its own timezone in the World Clock 2. Fixed time zone for Morocco If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
With today's free tiny image, I'm not sure what these ladies are doing, but the girl in the white looks like she disproves of that hat. I'm my mind that girl is talking all kinds of trash to herself, maybe she doesn't like the style, or maybe she just doesn't like the happiness it brings to the other woman. I don't know, but you...
Around the middle of April we planted the seeds of carrots, parsley, and sunflowers in the Zo classroom. We also planted strawberries in the playgroun...
From April 9th to 13th Kujira class (kindergarten) had spring break. During the one week break we took up the theme of “bugs”, and went searching for ...
Yesterday I wrote PSPINC is the eighth largest web developing company in the State of Washington. Sorry that was two years ago, we are 12th largest web development company in the State of Washington.