Today is World Cuisine Day, and we are serving Hainanese Chicken from Singapore, where is no summer! This chicken dish is one of their most famous dishes, and it goes good with rice. It will be summer soon here in Washington. Please eat this chicken to be healthy under the hot weather.
Mike Hohn of Integra Telecom received his Seattle Execs Memberhip Plaque yesterday from his mentor, Josh Miller of Wire Craft Electric. Congratulations, Mike!
Kuma, Zo, and Kujira class students enjoyed activity lunch today. They made fresh vegetable salad. Kitchen staff prepared some lettuce, tomatoes, corns, and crouton. Students dished up all kinds of ingredients to their plates and poured some salad dressing on their salad. They made delicious salad on their own!
During Teachers' appreciation week, Many of parents at Seattle Megumi donated sweets and snacks for teachers. Thank you again!
Dear All Megumi Paretns, Thank you so much for the delicious obento and cake for Megumi teachers. It was special treat for us to have such a nice lunch!
Don't worry, you don't have to update your app! When you post from the mobile app, it will update your RSS feed and bloguru aggregator. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for helping us build a better bloguru.
I am working this morning on cleaning up the Bloguru categories. This will make it easier to categorize blog posts.
We need to clean up bloguru categories. If you have any category you would like to see added, please contact me.
It is Children's Day on May 5th in Japan today. It is a national holiday celebrating your healthy life. We are serving bamboo shoots mixed rice and dorayaki (azuki bean paste pancake sandwich) as a special lunch. The reason why we eat bamboo shoots for the day, parents would like you to grow like a bamboo. Sometimes, ...
At Free Tiny Images you will find thousands of royalty free stock photos for you to use. There are many photos of Nature, people, transportation, and many other categories to browse, so come by and check out Free Tiny Images.com! This photo of a white cherry blossom reminds me of spring/summer and warm weather, ...