I thought you might want to try this. https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/adobe-photoshop-mix/id885271158?l=en&mt=8
If you are an iPhone/iPad user, you might want to get this App … it is free. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/post-it-plus/id920127738?mt=8&ign-mpt...
They give additional 20% discount from the listed price and if you have a coupon you can get additional 10%. Items are not wrapped and they are out of box but their prices are way less than 1/2 off the regular price, way cheaper than the outlets.
On sale for more than the regular price. They should have fixed it. They said the new guy did not adjust the regular price when he put the price tag.
This morning, I needed to buy USB to LAN connector. I searched on eBay and bought what I needed. (Nothing special here.) Just now, I was looking at Facebook and found the item I looked at on eBay advertised on Facebook. Then I realized eBay contracted Facebook to show what I looked at. I hate this. I hate sharing of in...
If you like Tag Heuer watches, don't mis their Friends and Family sale. https://www.lvmhpartners.com/index.jp?edge=shop.home Your password is "carrera2014"
Although it is mathematically incorrect, this is often used in the retail marketing. What it is saying is "BUY TWO, GET ONE FREE". I like 1+1 =3 better, it is much more eye catching.
投稿日 2014-03-22 13:20
Tai: Diary
楽天で購入 先月から今月にかけ、車検をはじめ、タイヤの溝が2mmで交換。原付の自賠責も重なり、ついでに、バッテリーが寿命で、交換する事に。かなりの出費が続きました。まだ、車の保険更新と、オイル交換が残っていますが、それが終われば一段落です。 原付を購入以来、バイクカバーに、のら猫にマーキングをされ続...
Have you ever seen a white strawberry? I have not. They are so beautiful and sweet. They must be very expensive.
投稿日 2014-01-19 01:30
Tai: Diary
人に会う為に、タイトルの建物へ初めて行きました。ホームページを見ると、かなり厳選されたお店が目白押し。事前にお店をピックアップして、効率良く周れるよう準備してから行きました。結局、大きなセールもやっていたのですが、何も買わずじまいでした。 ところで、某紳士服の本店が大阪にあります。本店だからか、品の...