投稿日 2016-08-29 11:02
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
日本円高が続く中、この機会に米国への進出を考えている企業も少くはないのではないだろうか。そんな企業を支援するための企画を PSPinc の事業として米国でお手伝いすることになった。 実際の営業は EnLinx Partner と言う会社が行うのだが、PSPinc はバックエンドで支援することになる。...
I use to think smartphone's camera is not good enough for taking pictures for website, but recently I developed a website using pictures I took with iPhone. I do believe smartphone's camera is good enough for website. What do you thin? http://www.pittmanautomotiveservice.com
Did you know PSPinc offers a fixed cost plan that includes (1) Domain Name Registration for 1 Year (2) Up to 5 Page Web Design and Development using Web de Xpress* (3) 10 Email Account Hosting with SPAm and Virus Filter (4) Once a month web update for $275 month or $2,750 per year. http://www.dreamersi.com ...
投稿日 2016-08-27 10:04
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
I just finished the first phase of website development for Pittman Automotive Service. It was done with the picture I took with iPhone and text given to me by David Eames (The Owner) edited by daughter and my trusted staff at PSPinc. It took so far two days. What do you think? http://pittmanautomotiveservice.com I think it is...
I delivered my 1959 Mercedes Benz 220S to Pittman Automotive Service. In very short time, David Eames, the owner found the problem. The fuel pump is not working. He will track down the parts and fix it for me. I am building the website for him. I got some more picture and series from David and I updated his home page...
PSPinc just released new clock to free clock rental service at http://www.clocklink.com.
投稿日 2016-08-25 03:10
本日、文字盤で日付の確認もできるスマートなHTML5 クロックをリリースいたしましたのでご紹介いたします。 最新またはアナログからお選び頂けます。 また、HTML5 のカテゴリの廃止に伴い、HTML5 クロックは先月からその他の既存のカテゴリに分類されています 。さらに各クロック名の横にFlash ...
This sleek and sophisticated new watch will add smart, tech-inspired flair to your website or blog. The watch keeps track of both time and calendar date with cool dials and a steel finish. You can find the latest clock in the Newest category or the Analog category. Don't forget, we also released some site updates with the n...
It is very expensive to own your own IT staff in-house. Most small companies contact IT support to companies outside and pay them as they need bases. But, you should consider moving your server to companies like ours. We shot your server and maintain it for you at the set price. You will not pay any more than the set ...