When it comes to Internet and Social Media ... people talk big, fast and strong. I think it is norm to make you look bigger than what you really are. So, people start not believing in the advertisements. People reply on others for their opinion. It is like blowfish make itself bigger to look stronger!!! Sometime it is refreshing to...
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I understand the feeling.
自動販売機 じどうはんばいき Jidohanbaiki Vending Machine...
You have hours of free Japanese learning video at https://www.japanese-online.com Try ... It is really free.
When was the last time you updated your homepage? December is a great month to review your website, making sure the content and the copyright year are up to date. Consider the following questions when reviewing your website, particularly your homepage: 1) Is the copyright year up to date in your footer? 2) When w...
Your browser does not support iframes. 宮 沢 賢 治 詩 碑 Keniji Miyazawa 雨にもまけず 風にもまけず 雪にも夏の暑さにもまけぬ 丈夫なからだをもち 欲はなく 決して怒らず いつもしずかにわらっている 一日に玄米四合と 味噌と少しの野菜をたべ...
Japanese learning videos are available on line now. There are much sample videos you can watch for free. Http://www.japanese-online.com
天国 てんごく Tengoku Heaven ポンポンとタイニーは天国にいます。 Pompom and Tiny are in heaven....
New R&D Project Management and Quality Assurance Office We have moved.