定食 ていしょく Teisyoku Lunch Set Teisyoku is a set lunch menu. If you want a single item, you call it 単品. 単品 たんぴん Tanpin Single Item....
友達 ともだち Tomodachi Friends...
投稿日 2020-01-11 11:39
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
すみません Sumimasen ---- Execs Me. I am sorry....
Reversal I saw a wonderful commercial in Japanese ... I attempted to translate it, I don’t know if it makes sense. This is a commercial from a Japanes...
自動販売機 じどうはんばいき Jido Hanbaiki Vending Machine 自販機 じはんき Jihanki Vending Machine...
After the successful launch of coffee machine at our HQ building, we have installed another coffee machine at R&D building today. We got this coffee machine from https://www.agorarefreshments.com It is a hit.
Coffee machine went down yesterday and it was fixed today. So many people missed coffee from this machine. We are happy to have it back.
缶ビール かんびーる Canned Beer...
お風呂 おふろ Ofuro Bath...
ピザ Pizza ピザは好きですか? Piza wa sukidesuka? Do you like Pizza?...