Jeff Wilson of Wilson Tile spoke to members about his tile business. His tile work is beautiful and very creative. Thinking of remodeling? Be sure to contact Jeff!
we are conducting product idea meeting.
The Acquaintance Committee launched 2012 Neighborhood Teams at Wednesday's meeting. Building on the great success of the Neighborhood concept from last year, the focus this year will be to get better acquainted with other Execs in your area and help build business for each other. Shown here is neighborhhod "South of t...
Los Angeles staff training last day. LA staff is demonstrating new CMS ( content management system).
Donna Hyatt announced at yesterday's meeting that City Moving Systems was recently acquired by the Suddath Companies. Now named City-Suddath Relocation Systems, they will remain a member of Execs with Donna as main member and Don Foster as associate member. "We are proud to become part of The Suddath Compa...
投稿日 2012-02-03 02:50
Team Effort
Team DOC
Hello from Seattle This is a test. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas congue rutrum accumsan. Nunc lectus lorem, tempus id ullamcorper nec, pellentesque et lectus. Integer iaculis dolor ut felis malesuada et rhoncus lacus lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Nullam urna urna, sollicitudin vitae pretium in, aucto...
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Seattle Executives Association is proud to welcome Benjamin Chotzen of GBK Realtors as a new member.
Look at these headphones! they are so big! and so is that guys shag hair, that's pretty big hair too! These photos are a ton of fun to look at, there is some great stuff on here, entertaining to say the least. Check out Free Tiny Images.com for more royalty free stock photos!
John Brondello of Time Equipment Company demonstrated a new scanning system to record employee work hours to Ken Hoving of PSR Mechanical. Accurate recording of employee work hours can be a big cost savings. Contact John to learn more about the different systems he has available!