White water rafting can be dangerous! Look at this photo, pretty amazing looking. I thought it was pretty cool how close they are to the rocks on the right side of the picture. They look like they are holding on tight! Come check out Free Tiny Images.com for more royalty free stock photos!
Jackie Murphy of Cobalt Mortgage celebrated her 6-year anniversary in Seattle Executives Association yesterday.
Gasworks part is an incredibly weird park. It's creepy, all rusted looking and whatnot, I mean there is a beautiful park built around it but the old gasification plant itself is just creepy looking. This silhouette is pretty though. For more cool, royalty free stock photos, visit Free Tiny Images.com !
I started Japanese blog on Japanese Bloguru on September 1, 2004. After 7 and half years later, the page view had gone over 1,000,000. English version is way behind but the it is growing.
Don Roberts (far right) of Don Roberts Associates and team leader of Don's Downtown Dynamos is planning a neighborhood event - wonder what the Dynamos are up to?
Reading! It's good for you! You can learn things! It's amazing how much can be gained from reading, it is limitless. In today's world you don't even have to read an actual book, E-readers are as popular as ever and they store many books in their memory banks. For more great royalty free stock photos visit Free Tiny...
WHAT IS A LEAD? It is an opportunity to do busines before your competitors know there is business to be done. . . . THE CHANCE TO COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION FIRST! Bob Fadden of Lance Mueller & Associates/Architects gave several leads to his fellow Execs last week.
Two of our newer members spoke at last week's luncheon ~ Valerie Young of Warner Telecom Group and Joe Feola of ServPro of Central Seattle Warner Telecom Group provides new telephone system sales and service for existing phone systems. Be sure to call Valerie if you are considering a new phone system, need s...
This picture fully encompasses what I saw this morning, a dusting of white snow/ice and a bright, blue sky overhead, of course, I didn't quite see this picturesque view when I walked out of my front door. What I did see was a 1997 ford explorer completely covered in ice. "Wow it's cold out here" I thought to myself as I...
Email Marketing ... Very popular thing. But you know people are getting many emails in their mail box. So, sending email may not be enough, you need to control what time you send your email. When you send email at night, your email will be a part of bunch of emails people open in the morning. Your email will not get any...