
Megumi Preschool

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Hinamatsuri 3/3/24

Special lunch for the children. Special lunch for the children.
Our kitchen staff makes lunch ... Our kitchen staff makes lunch and snacks with lots of love for the children!
Art from Panda class Art from Panda class
Art from Usagi class Art from Usagi class
This is Hina Doll that we displ... This is Hina Doll that we display every year for the Girl's Day
Match 3rd is Hinamatsuri (Girl's Day) in Japan. We celebrated this event with the children here at Megumi. We wish every child happiness and healthy growth.

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Special lunch today! We had E... Special lunch today! We had Ehomaki (Sushi rolls) and soybeans!
The children threw balls at ON... The children threw balls at ONI and said "Oni wa Soto!" which means "Demons out"
Oni muffin for an afternoon sn... Oni muffin for an afternoon snack.
Oni visited each classroom in ... Oni visited each classroom in the morning and said hi to the children!
February 3rd is the day of Setsubun. The meaning behind Setsubun is to wish everyone a happy and healthy life. 
We wish you all a healthy year!!

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Welcome to Megumi Preschool

We have 2 infant classes from... We have 2 infant classes from September!
Chalkboard on the playground. Chalkboard on the playground.
These are everyone's favorites! These are everyone's favorites!
Wonderful Megumi staff. Wonderful Megumi staff.
Our new school year started this month. We welcomed new students and current students continue Megumi as well. We hope everyone will enjoy their time here with us and have many wonderful memories.
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Summer Festival 2023

Matsuri lunch from the kitchen Matsuri lunch from the kitchen
Hiyoko class children were in ... Hiyoko class children were in the special crib!
Mikoshi that the children made ... Mikoshi that the children made it!
Fishing game! Fishing game!
Bon odori (dance!) Bon odori (dance!)
The teachers were wearing M... The teachers were wearing Matsuri T-shirt!
We have a summer festival today. The children enjoyed playing a ball-tossing game, fishing game, bowling, playing Taiko drum, and had shaved ice. Yesterday, the children carried Mikoshi and walked in the hallway.
We had so much fun celebrating summer!
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Duo Takase

Duo Takase. Duo Takase.
The other day, the Japanese violinist and pianist couple, Duo Takase visited Megumi Preschool and treated us to a live performance!!! 
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Kumamoto Kenjin Kai

On Saturday, Feb. 25, we had the opportunity to perform at the Seattle Kumamoto Kenjinkai.
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Kumamoto Kenjin Kai

We took a picture with a speci... We took a picture with a special guest, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell.
The students had the opportuni... The students had the opportunity to perform at the stage.
On Saturday, Feb. 25, we had the opportunity to perform at the Seattle Kumamoto Kenjinkai.
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Setsubun 2/3/2023

This ONI which are demon ma... This ONI which are demon made by Zo class children (4 to 5 years old). We placed them by the front door.
Special lunch from our kitchen... Special lunch from our kitchen staff. Ehomaki and soybeans.
Oni's pants bread for an after... Oni's pants bread for an afternoon snack today!
Today is Setsubun. We have read books about Setsubun in class, make oni craft and then have the children throw paper balls at the oni. it is our hope here at Megumi that everyone enjoys a healthy and happy year!!!
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Japanese Taiko Dram performer Takumi Kato's performance

Japanese Taiko Dram perform... Japanese Taiko Dram perform... Japanese Taiko Dram perform... Japanese Taiko Dram perform...
Takumi Kato, the Japanese Taiko dram performer, performed at Megumi preschool with his family. It was a great performance. All students were amazed and paying great focus on listening and feeling the vibration of big Taiko.

We hope Kato Family's journey will be success and hope to see you again!
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Okinawa Taiko Drum

Okinawa Taiko Drum
Zo class children have practiced Okinawa Taiko for their Holiday Concert. And today we had a chance to see a real Okinawa Taiko performance!! The children experienced hitting big taiko and they also performed taiko with the performers.

It was a good experience for us.
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