
住居じゅうきょにはいろんなかたちがありますね。最上階さいじょうかいみたいですか?それとも、したかいほう 便利べんりでしょうか?

Kyojuniwa ironnakatachiga arimasune. Saijokainisumitaidesuka?soretomo, shitanokainohoga benrideshoka?

Residence comes in many forms. Do you want to live on the top floor? Or would the lower floors be more convenient for you?

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Kangarumo tsukaretaatowa ohirune. Negaoga kawaiidesune.

Kangaroos also take a nap when they get tired. Their sleeping faces are so cute.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 69 お風呂でしてはいけないこと(おふろでしてはいけないこと)


(1) ()(ずみ)やタトゥーがあると(はい)れないお風呂(ふろ)があります。()をつけてください。

(2) かかり()をしましょう。これは風呂(ふろ)(はい)(まえ)(からだ)(あせ)などを(なが)習慣(しゅうかん)で、お風呂(ふろ)()(ぐち)にはお()とたらいが準備(じゅんび)されています。それで(からだ)数回流(すうかいなが)しましょう。(あたま)()らす必要(ひつよう)はりません。かかり()をしないで浴槽(よくそう)には(はい)ってはいけません。

(3) 浴槽(よくそう)(なか)にはタイルを()れてはいけません。タオルは(あたま)()くか、()くか、浴槽(よくそう)(そと)()くようにしましょう。

(4) (もぐ)ってはいけません。(かみ)()浴槽(よくそう)()れないように()をつけてください。

(5) 浴槽(よくそう)(なか)(からだ)(あたま)(かお)(かみ)()(あら)ってはいけません。浴槽(よくそう)(そと)(あら)()があります。

(6) 風呂(ふろ)から(そと)()(とき)(ロッカーに()かう(とき))は(からだ)()いてください。


What Not to Do in the Bath

Whenever I visit Japan, I always want to go to an onsen (hot springs) or sento (public bath). If you have the chance, please visit an onsen or sento and warm up. However, there are a few rules for bathing in a public bath. If you don't follow them, people around you will not like you.

(1) If you have tattoos, there are some baths you cannot enter. Please be careful.

(2) Rinse before you enter. It is a custom to wash off the sweat from your body before taking a bath. At the entrance of the bath, you will find a tub of hot water and a bowl of water that you can use to rinse your body several times. It is not necessary to wet your head. Do not get into the tub without rinsing yourself off first.

(3) Do not put your towel in the bathtub. Wrap it around your head or place it outside the tub.

(4) Don't dive into the tub or put your hair in it.

(5) Do not wash your body, head, face, or hair in the bathtub. There is a washing area outside of the tub.

(6) Please wipe yourself off before leaving the bath (when going to your locker).

The bath is for everyone to use. Please be considerate of the people around you and enjoy your visit.

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Hasunohanawa doromizunoyona ikenonakakara massugunikukiwonobashi, sonosakini kareinahanawosakasemasu.

Lotus flowers grow straight stems from a muddy pond and bloom brilliantly at the end of the stems.

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Fujisanwa takasadakedenaku sanyo no utsukushisamonihonichide, mukashikara minanishitashimareteimasu.

Mt Fuji is not only the tallest mountain in Japan, but also the most beautiful, and has been loved by everyone for a long time.

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デジタルアート ミュージアムはとても綺麗きれい幻想的げんそうてきです。

Dejitaruato myujiamuwa totemokireide gensotekidesu.

The Digital Art Museum is very beautiful and fantastic.

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Wasabi wa sundamizuto sunachinadono tosuiseigayoi dojyo wo hitsuyo toshimasu.

Wasabi requires clear water and soil with good permeability such as sandy soil.

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Nihonde ichiban okii mizumi wa biwakodesu

The largest lake in Japan is Lake Biwa.

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Raion wa hyakujyu no ou. Demo, sai ya kaba ni maketeshimaukotomo arusoudesu.

The lion is the king of a hundred beasts. But they are sometimes defeated by rhinos and hippos.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 68 食券(しょっけん)




Meal Ticket

It is not common in the U.S., but in Japan, there is a system where you buy a meal ticket for the food you want to eat from a vending machine before entering a restaurant, and hand it to the waiter after you are seated to order. For example, my favorite restaurant Yoshinoya and many other Japanese fast food restaurants use this system. This has the great advantage that in many cases the waitress does not have to handle cash. This is why you will never hear about robberies in fast food restaurants in Japan.

Apart from that, this system works because, unlike in the U.S., the prices written on restaurant menus include the consumption tax. Another major reason why this system can be implemented is that there is no tipping system in Japan as there is in the US. Recently, due to the coronavirus, we have seen a system where you can order using a tablet or other device placed like "Ootoya", instead of directly ordering from the waitress.

In the future, we will see more and more orders being placed using meal tickets, tablets, and smartphone apps. At the same time, the use of meal vouchers, tablets, and smartphone apps for payment will complete a system in which the clerk does not have to touch the cash. In your country, do you have a system for ordering food using meal tickets?

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