

  • ハッシュタグ「#dna」の検索結果3件


Herbsprout is a webblog and podcast dedicated to sharing the health benefits of herbs, food, innovations related to our gut microbiome. Herbsprout seeks to bridge the vast chasm dividing the mainstream medical community and alternative medicine.

Research finds connection between changes in human DNA and gut bacterial changes

Research finds connection bet...
A July 18 2020 SCITECH Daily article reported a University of Bristol led study of 3,890 individuals, identified 13 DNA changes related to changes in the presence or quantity of gut bacteria, particularly bifidobacteria.

While the study identified a direct connection between changes in DNA and gut bacteria, researchers seek to identify their connection to human illness or disorders. The study led by Dr. David Hughes, Senior Research Associate in Applied Genetic Epidemiology, said the next step is "dissecting how exactly these DNA changes might impact bacterial composition.”

#DNA #ai #bacteria #datascience #gutmicrobiome #health #healthinnovation #healthtech


Bellymount highlights the fruit fly where 65% of human disease causing genes can be studied

source: depositphotos.com source: depositphotos.com
A January 27, 2020 article co-published by lead scientist Leslie Ann Jaramillo Koyama of Stanford University, developed Bellymount, a method for high-resolution imaging of live microscopy. The imaging of an adult vinegar fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has yielded foundational insights into what scientists call metazoan physiology, or developmental biology. Bellymount is able to show how cellular and physiological processes unfold inside living organisms. The adult vinegar fly (common fruit fly) has approximately 65% of human disease-causing genes with functional homologs (member of a chromosome pair). It is a powerful tool for pathologies in humans, revealing live physiological dynamics of cells, tissues, and organs.

The Bellymount method capabilities means the same opportunities exist for the study of microscopic organisms living inside our gut, potentially revealing the layers of processes and interactions between our gut microbiome and cells, such as stem cells, in our body, their functions, and root causes of ailments.

(See articles, https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3000567 ; and
#DNA #chromosomes #developmentalbiology #fruitfly #gutbacteria #guthealth #microbiome #stemcells


How do butyrate producing foods support mental health, longevity?

Foods that support butyrate pr... Foods that support butyrate production, a type of short chain fatty acid, include whole grains, raspberries, pears, apples, green peas, broccoli, and turnip greens.
A January 22, 2020 article in Science Magazine reports that a healthy mix of microbes in our gut can prevent many diseases better than our own genes can, and can even indicate risk of dying in the next 15 years.

The Science Magazine cited a review by Samuel Minot, a microbiome researcher at Seattle's Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. He and his team analyzed 47 studies on collective genomes of gut microbes and their relationship with 13 common diseases. They compared these studies with 24 genome-wide association (GWA) studies dealing with human genomes and found that genetic signature of gut microbes was 20% more effective at "discriminating between a healthy and ill person" (source: see https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/01/microbes-your-gut-could-predict-whether-you-re-likely-die-next-15-years ).

A November 17, 2019 article in the New Atlas, reported a separate study that fecal transplants (in effect "microbial transplant") from young mice to older mice showed new neurons being produced called neurogenesis, a key to slowing aging. While testing in mice does not necessarily translate to the same results in humans, it is a significant factor suggesting possible solutions. The study found a greater volume of microbes produced short chain fatty acid called butyrate.

“We’ve found that microbes collected from an old mouse have the capacity to support neural growth in a younger mouse,” explains Sven Pettersson, lead on the research team from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore in the New Atlas article.

A January 06 2020 article in Neuroscience News says a study by a University of Kentucky consortium found similar results of tests for stroke victims. Researchers found that short chain fatty acids additive to the drinking water of mice showed better stroke recovery. (See https://neurosciencenews.com/gut-microbes-stroke-15425/amp/ ).

So much attention has been given to the influence of gut microbiomes on our mental health just in the past few weeks. These are a sampling of them.

While Pettersson acknowledges that further research is required, it suggests that healthy aging remedies such as herbs and good prebiotic and probiotic foods that enhance butyrate production can support longevity, and healthy living into our twilight years. To bring it home, examples of foods that support butyrate production include whole grains, raspberries, pears, apples, green peas, broccoli, and turnip greens.

#DNA #SCFA #bacteria #butyrate #diet #genomics #gutmicrobiome #health #healthinnovation #healthtech #herbalmedicine #herbs #plantnutrition #spices


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