The bunker rings I ordered have arrived just in time for Christmas. I'm very impressed how fast they were made and shipped out. Sent via bloguru mobile.
H Mart is coming to Bellevue. Sent via bloguru mobile.
いま神戸に向かって移動中 今日もいい天気です。Sent via bloguru mobile....
it is less than $3 at Costco but at Cheveron the price of a gallon of regular is $3.299Sent via bloguru mobile.
i cannot believe it's October and not raining. Beautiful Sinday Mornkng. Sent via bloguru mobile.
I bought this small cup of drip coffee at Starbucks for 100 yen. I bought this at seven eleven. That is less than a $1. It is a very good cup of coffee and is very popular in Japan. Sent via bloguru mobile.
I am on a bullet train heading to Tokyo. Although I am moving over 15mph, it is extremely quiet and stable. Other than the fact it costs cheaper to fly, I love this train. Sent via bloguru mobile.
i am testing too see if Bloguru App works on iOS8. Sent via bloguru mobile.
Seattle Seahawks lost to San Diego which was named most miserable sports city in the US. Our San Diego team was happy to tell us they beat Seattle yesterday. Seattle does not play well against the teams from south. Last year it was Arizona and this year it's San Diego. Sent via bloguru mobile.
Pompom is happy at off leash park. It is another beautiful day in Western Washington. Sent via bloguru mobile.