i head on the news that Chinese company will build the high speed rail between LA and Las Vegas as early as starting next year. Japan is the leader in high speed rail. It's sad to see Jaoan is not getting involved. Sent via bloguru mobile.
for the price we are paying for the hotel, hotel should provide faster Internet access. It took all night to download iOS9. I am not going to install it. I will wait until I am back in Seattle to do this. Sent via bloguru mobile.
I visited my old college. I cann not recognize almost anything. Sent via bloguru mobile.
The big hump on the tip of the body is what it require to connect to Internet in the air. Sent via bloguru mobile.
I always see someone with high beams on. I hate to see bright lights. Sent via bloguru mobile.
So cute. Sent via bloguru mobile.
Golf today. Having breakfast at the club. The first day of three day weekend. Sent via bloguru mobile.
yes, I just saw a K Mart commercial for Christmas shopping. Sent via bloguru mobile.
Why would anyone buy Windows 10? It's free for anyone using Windiws 7 or later. If you are using anything older than Windows 7, your computer is not likely to handle Windiws 10.Sent via bloguru mobile.
A silver certificate one dollar bill. Sent via bloguru mobile.