This is reported by King5 news.
Shortest distance between A to B is the straight line. But shortest stroke between A to B may not always be a straight line. Case in point. It took three stroke to get out of this bunker. I should have aimed left (90 degree away from the pin) just to get out of this mess. Did I learn something? Probably not.
Here are two pictures that we digitized for Rowland Studio. They have thousands of those old photographs and we are digitizing them to be sold on the net. The images you see are about 1/5 of the actual sizes.
Get Ready for the BIG PARTY PUNCH BOWL! The Auction Committee will be passing around the BIG PARTY PUNCH BOWL again this Wednesday. Bring some fun items for the party and help SPIKE THE PUNCH!
America is not built for a car like Smart. This happened to be 100% Electric Smart. It cis parked between two SUVs. It is kind of cute picture, isn't it?
It turned out to be a beautiful day. I wish I were at the golf course. The forecast is that it is going to rain on Saturday. Do you see a moon on this picture?
I say to you, this morning, that if you have never found something so dear and precious to you that you will die for it, then you arent fit to live." ...
There are quite a scene outside while we are having weekly meeting at WAC. Read about it at king5.com Photos provided by Rowland Studio. http://www.rowlandphoto.com/
This picture was taken before 1985 (because I do not see Columbia Tower in this picture). This is one of many thousands of picture that Rowland Studio has in their archive. PSPINC will work with them to digitize some pictures to be sold on the net.
This vodeo has English Subtitle. Enjoy.