The Difference between a Coach and a Consultant Since 2021, we developed the website, “C-sagaseru” to introduce coaches, and we continue operating it ...
Another phishing email ... Do not fall for it.Never click on the link inside the email.If you are not 100% sure ... Go to the wab site doectly to find...
Background of Development Are you ever frustrated with the large amounts of spam every day? When cybercriminals send spam or viruses via email, they never send them from their actual email addresses. These days, spam emails come in all sorts of different ways. So, we developed a feature to identify emails coming fr...
We believe blocking suspected SPAM mails are great idea but having no way to check and recover the suspected emails are unacceptable for business emai...
This is just amazing. openai.com Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. ken.uchikura@pspinc.com __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__...
It's good to have a K9 running around at PSPINC HQ. His name is Oscar. Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. ken.uchikura...
We just released the feature on our email hosting that enable email account to receive email from specified email account. I am sure you can think of ...
One of the most frustrating parts of email is when you click send, and it tells you your file attachment is too big. Emails limit file sizes mainly fo...
投稿日 2023-01-03 02:35
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
今朝の気温は2.7℃・・・ アメリカにはお正月休みはありませんが、元旦が日曜日なので今日を休む人が多いようで、出勤時の車は少なかったです。 昨年から行っていた機能開発の多かった「コーチ探せる」システムのコード整理が完了していますので、今日テストをして問題がなければ公開したいと思っています。また重複機...
投稿日 2023-01-02 09:16
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
COBB サラダとアイスティー 今日のランチは軽めと思いサラダを注文 全然軽くなかった。 でも炭水化物ゼロ 今年も美味しいもの時々食べて元気に過ごそう。 ちなみに元旦は、サンクスギビングやクリスマスと違ってレストランは営業しています。 __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**...