February 24, 2010 Washington Athletic Club 11:30 am-1:00 pm Noble Room Greeters Adam Broetje of cMedia Productions Cameron Smock of Bonney-Watson Company Card Collector Corey Coffman of LC Jergens Painting Company Marketing Minute Beth Harwood of Crowne Plaza Hotel Speakers Rick Cardona of Washington Athle...
Seattle Executives Association Ask a Pro is in progress at WAC.
It is good to search your bloguru title on the Google to see how you are doing. If your bloguru title search on Google return your Bloguru site on the first page, you are doing great. Here is the result of Google search. I used my Bloguru Title to search. Try yours and see how your Bloguru is doing.
Whatever you write, your audiences have attention span of 8 year old. They will not read long article no matter how good your article is. If you have a story to tell, break it down to several posts and post them separately over few days. If you could post a picture, that will be better too. KISS is a good model you should r...
Now, whatever you post on the Bloguru is being posted on the twitter. www.twitter.com/uchikura/
We are proud to announce the addition of a new beta feature which adds the ability to simultaneously tweet on Twitter when making a new bloguru post. This takes the title of your post and tweets it along with a link back to your original post. To get started visit 'Basic settings' in your control panel and click 'Sign in with...
Isn't it nice if every time you post blog, the article also appears in Twitter? We are releasing this feature today. You must select the skin that has this feature.
Do you think you can design a logo for BLOGURU? If so, post it on this blog. If we select your design, we will have a banner for your bloguru on the BLOGURU top page for a year. You can also send logo design to my email address by clicking here, Thank you in advance.
When you have a web site, do you know what is the realistic goal for the number of visitors everyday? 10, 100, 1000, 10000 ... If you are opening a restaurant, you know how many customers you like to get everyday. And usually those numbers do not reach 100,000 or 1,000,000 people. So why do so many people expect t...
View the vancouver2010.com medals' table You can embed medal count on your blog by pasting following tag. <iframe src ="http://www.vancouver2010.com/widgets/medals-widget/" width="306" height="400" frameborder=0 scrolling="no"> <p><a href="http://www.vancouver2010.com/olympic-medals/" title="Van...