This special offer from American Solutions for Business for all members of Seattle Executives is available next week only - that's September 27 through October 1.
I have just returned from the speech Junki Yoshida gave at One Union Sq. in Seattle. It was veru motivating speech.
I purchased Logitech WebCam with microphone for may Mac Pro. This camera takes a great picture. It is much better than iSight camera that comes with Mac Laptops and Monitors.
When you are looking for a product or service, there are several sources that you can go to get more information. How important is the social media like Blog, Facebook, Lined In and Twitter compared to say Magazines, News Papers, Radio and TV.
We are currently developing the system upgrade to adjust the clock to Daylight Saving Time automatically. We should be able to deploy this update sometime next week. This will eliminate the chance of us not adjusting when DST starts or ends.
This will be the first time for us to exhibit at any trade show with other members of Seattle Executives Association ( http://www.seattleexecs.org ). Skyline Pacific is coordinating the booth design and allocations for us. It looks like it will be a nice booth. Please come see us.
Jeannette Adams Gorman and Ron Allen of Socius Law Group PLLC were awarded their membership plaques at yesterday's Seattle Execs meeting. Their mentor, David Fox of Wells Fargo Advisors made the presentation.
I have setup this Bloguru to update Twitter. I have setup Linked In and Facebook to accept the update rom Twitter. That means, when I post something to Bloguru, I am updating Twitter, Facebook and Linked In. Cool!
It is funny how small thing like a camera in the parking space deters against break-ins. Since we install a few cameras in the parking space and around the building, we have no problem what so ever.
Andrew Didier of Pure Water Technology of Puget Sound was one of our member speakers at today's Seattle Executives Associate meeting.