Since it's been over 1000 days since the Tohoku Tsunami, we have updated our Japan Relief clock to show another digit. Please visit PSPINC's website to view this clock. We have also updated the gallery so that there is an icon next to those clocks that have the city label feature. The Los Angeles and San Diego Town cloc...
Date: January 25th, Saturday Time: 10:00a.m.-11:00a.m. Place: Bellevue Megumi Open house for year of 2014-2015 Kujira class (Kindergarten) will be hel...
PSP Children's Foundation wishes all of you and yours much hope in the coming year!
Merry Christmas from PSP Children's Foundation! We are so grateful that we were able to run the second Summer Experience in Seattle program this year, and we hope that we can bring hope to a brand new group of students next summer as well. Thank you to all of our supporters this year, and Merry Christmas to all!
Letters like this warm our hearts and help make what we do possible as well as worth it. If you would like to help, please visit www.pspchildrensfoundation.org
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! Today we have made the following changes: -Fix for incorrect line spacing on newlines in comments -Fix for users sometimes receiving an incorrect notification that someone has replied to their comment -The comment notice checkbox should no longer appear while commenting as a guest user Tha...
This month's local dish was Bachi Jiru, Japanese style clear soup with somen noodles, from Hyogo prefecture. Hyogo is very famous for somen noodles. Bachi is the end part of somen noodles and they look like bachi (plectrum) of shamisen (three-stringed Japanese musical instrument). It was very nourishing soup with v...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! Hopefully you can satisfy your wishes for warmer weather with new skin this month, "Vacation Resort" We have also added the following bug fixes: - All browsers should scroll back down to the comment form if you make a mistake while commenting - URLs in comments should get converted to lin...
It's hard to believe that there are only few weeks left this year! Bellevue Megumi had annual Holiday Concert on Saturday, December 7. It was a fun event with fun songs and performance by children. At the end, Santa brought presents to all children. Wishing you a very happy holiday season!
投稿日 2013-12-13 05:03
本日の給食メニュー、寒い日にはベストです!お野菜入りきつねうどん、自家製春巻き、枝豆とりんご. キッチンスタッフの皆さん、いただきま~す...