A May 17 2020 article by Yahoo News suggests you might consider incorporating some traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) ideas into your daily practice. There's much to choose from- qi gong, acupressure/ acupuncture, teas and tonics, and food. Yahoo News recommended these TCM remedies in this order. Given that food ...
According to a May 06 2020 Nature article, statin drugs, a common medication for lowering cholesterol, also known as HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, are a class of lipid-lowering medications that lower risk of cardiovascular disease. They are the most common cholesterol-lowering drugs, able to reduce illness and mortality...
It is not by any means anything unique for Japan to play a role in East- West integration and collaboration. From the opening up of Japan in 1848 when...
In a May 07, 2020 Science Magazine article, Holobiome announced it seeks to produce new treatments for depression and other disorders of the brain and...
Parkinson’s News Today reported on April 08, 2020 that several strains of a bacteria Bacillus subtilis "inhibits, delays, and reverses" the buildup of...
As pointed out by a January 2020 article by Amy Myers MD, "your skin is the largest organ in your body, your first defense against the outside world."...
How Cannabis saved his sister and inspired Ogilvie's deep dive into "non-intoxicating cannabis R&D, product dev. Deepcell success now hinges b2b technology licensing to food products industry. Herbsprout.com discusses the state of the Cannabis industry with DeepCell Industries CEO Kelly Ogilvie. He invites us to look b...
A September 04, 2019 article in the New Scientist suggests that eating a proper amount of psychobiotics, a derivation of probiotics, can improve one's mental health. (see https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24332460-500-how-what-you-eat-directly-influences-your-mental-health/ ). Probiotics may help improve a variety of...
投稿日 2020-02-08 09:02
半導体大手「キオクシアホールディングス」(旧東芝メモリホールディングス、東京)は、故<手塚治虫>の漫画を学習した人工知能(AI)がストーリーやキャラクターデザインを担当した新作『ぱいどん』を、講談社が2月27日(木)発売する『モーニング』13号に掲載されます。 2030年の東京で、ホームレスの哲学者...
Japanese consume large amounts of raw fish and seaweed, in the form of sushi and nori. It is healthy for them partly due to a partnership with a seafa...