With cybercrime continually increasing, security measures tighten for products that store and manage sensitive customer information. When looking clos...
投稿日 2022-12-13 10:05
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
いままでに何十件、何百件の Web 開発を続けてきた我々が言うのもおかしいかもしないないが、今までに行ってきた Web 開発は開始から完成までの時間が長い上に変更が多くてビジネスとして成り立たない。要するにレストランで注文するときに、お客様に材料を持ってきてもらって、そこから料理を決めるようなやり方...
To increase Pass Wizard’s overall security, we’ll be updating the Pass Wizard server next week. Unfortunately, we expect there will be a downtime of around 15 minutes while we make this update. The schedule is as follows: *USA Pacific Daylight Time December 16th (Friday) 5:00 – 5:15am *Japan Time December...
It’s officially holiday season, which means it’s also the sale season for small businesses. Generally, it’s best to prepare in advance so that your te...
For many online accounts, users can add an extra layer of security with two-factor authentication via authenticator apps. To do this, authenticator ap...
The holidays are here early this year because we’re now offering 50% off your first year of Pass Wizard Pro, our secure password manager. Just use the...
The end goal of every company website is to drive conversions, increase website traffic, and grow sales. So, it’s important for every company, regardless of industry or niche, to update its website regularly. But your business website could also use a complete redesign every two or three years to stay up to date with ...
When developing products for your business, it’s important to remember your audience. Regardless of what industry you’re in, customers regard you as e...
You’ve probably heard of blockchain before, especially with the growing craze of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. But blockchain isn’t just for finances, it’s just where it’s gained the most buzz in the last couple of years. Blockchain, simply put, is a database made up of a transparent network where users can trade wit...
We’re so excited to announce that we’ve updated our secure private messaging broadcasting app, DENREI! For users in both the U.S. and Japan, the app's available for download in the App Store. If you already have the app, please update the latest version from the app store. In the sixth app release, we’ve made th...