Do we have money for this? This is a school renovation project in Bellevue.
It is our second day that the we can't not see any television. It is searching fit Satelite signals. Is this just me?
Here are thins you need to know about government and politicians. (1) You cannot ask then to save money. That is not what they do. (2) You cannot ask them to make money. They do that by printing them. (3) You cannot ask them to delegate their work. They don't know what work is. (4) You cannot get mad at them. Th...
Current local time in South Africa ? Johannesburg
This is the picture of the sky I took last night around 10pm. There were some daylight left in the sky. The daylight starts to shorten starting today. How sad, we did not even experienced any summer yet. I took this picture with my crappy BlackBerry camera. That was all I had last night.
People who purchased iPad with 3G WiFi had their email addresses exposed. This problem extends to over 100,000 people including some of top government officials and large corporate executives. Because of that now FBI is investigating this incident. I am a iPad user but I am not a 3G version user.
Starting tomorrow, it will be illegal to put your cellular phone on your head and speak while you are driving. You can still use handsfree headset or maybe speaker phone in the State of Washington.
Washington States New Hands-Free Cell Phone Law: Businesses Face Unique Challenges And Issues Regarding Compliance Speech recognition tools among the ...
It took over 30 minuets to get to the restaurant in Redmond from Bellevue. This was the traffic last night near the Microsoft on i520. This traffic problem is caused by the very construction that is design to solve it. Even with this I do not trust any government to be able to create a mass transit system.
I am not a morning person .. I just had a lunch, and I can not stay up any longer ...